
Satan and his demons are real. They hate you. This sermon continues the 3 parts to learn who they are and how we are victorious over them – but they’re very real. We are going to see an EXPLOSION of demonic activity in the years ahead. Be ready and don’t be caught off guard. We begin to explain Satan’s origins as Heylel (NOT as “Lucifer”), why he hates us so much, and more on how he operates. Learn how Satan and his rebellious angels attacked God in heaven and plans to again. Also – how Satan can bind people with illness and suffering and how he tempts us. Also, why we must NOT be watching demon-inspired TV shows and movies – I list some examples. What are “ghosts”? We don’t fear them, as He who is in us is much stronger than all of them put together. What’s Satan planning in the near future? It’s all revealed here. Shut the door to them
Duration:1 hr 2 mins 46 secs
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