Light on the Rock Blogs

The blogs are short articles, almost like a “sermonette” compared to a sermon. They are on a variety of topics, please enjoy.

“House to house”?

All scriptures are NKJV unless noted otherwise.

I don’t believe it’s as common any longer as it used to be in the USA – but 20-40 years ago, people from various church groups felt they needed to evangelize the entire world and time was short, so they often went house to house to win converts. Often it was two men, sometimes in white shirts and neck tie. The Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) commonly were doing this.

But now in America, if a house or business has posted a “No Trespassing” sign or a “No soliciting” sign, it actually could be illegal to even try to speak to anyone in that home, unless they’ve asked you inside.

Sometimes I still come across this notion that believers are called to go house to house with God’s message. This is especially true in Africa, I find. 

So a pastor over there may visit a particular village, may speak in the public square and hope there are interested people who will listen. He may also have an opportunity to speak in one of the local churches. Then often one of those days, he and an assistant will literally go from house to house proclaiming the gospel. If they’re invited in, then the Bibles come out and the discussion and preaching begins. But also keep in mind that many households in East Africa can’t even afford to own their own Bible and so may be more eager to hear the Word than we experience in western countries. I must say, after a few days, invariably there will be 5-15 water baptisms in Yeshua’s name.

But did Jesus/Yeshua say anything about preaching house to house?

The concept for going house to house often comes from some scriptures in the book of Acts. But ARE we supposed to evangelize house to house?

Two main verses are used to support this belief that teachers are to go house to house. Then after that, I will show you what Jesus actually had to say on the topic.

Right after the 3,000 were baptized on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2, a casual reading of this next verse leaves the impression we should copy what they did, and break bread from house to house. Many still believe that “break bread” was referring to eating the Lord’s Supper, but it just meant to eat food.

Acts 2:44-47    “Now all who believed were together, and had all things in common, 45 and sold their possessions and goods, and divided them among all, as anyone had need.

46 So continuing daily with one accord IN The TEMPLE, and breaking bread from house to house, they ate their food with gladness and simplicity of heart, 47 praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved.”

Notice a couple of things. They stayed together as one, learning from each other  - where? In the Temple complex, verse 46, not house to house. And afterwards they would share their food and eat, the meaning of “breaking bread.”  That, yes they would do, house to house of the brethren. The “church” part of their interaction was in the temple complex. To “break bread” did not always refer to the Last Supper, remember.

Also keep in mind, though not the same topic, many of the brethren in Paul’s day, met in people’s houses for sabbath services. Many scriptures refer to the church that meets in “so-and-so’s house.” They didn’t have massive expensive basilicas and cathedrals like many churches today. Peter and Paul would be appalled to see how the simplicity in Christ has been corrupted today into such extravagance.

Later, in speaking to the leaders of Ephesus, Paul said this to the elders and leaders. His context is what he taught them and how he did it:  publicly and from house to house. Their houses. He was eager to finish his ministry with joy, “to testify to the gospel of the grace of God.”  Acts 20:24

Acts 20:18-21   “And when they had come to him, he said to them: "You know, from the first day that I came to Asia, in what manner I always lived among you, 19 serving the Lord with all humility, with many tears and trials which happened to me by the plotting of the Jews;

20 how I kept back nothing that was helpful, but proclaimed it to you, and taught YOU publicly and from house to house, 21 testifying to Jews, and also to Greeks, repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ.”

So Paul admitted to going house to house – but this was said to the elders of Ephesus. The reason I say this is because of the clarity in Jesus’ own words about going house to house when preaching the gospel. The context indeed was about how they were to preach to the general public in various towns.   

Luke 9:4  "Whatever house you enter, STAY there, and from there depart.”  

They were to have a “home base” and from there do their preaching around the village and to stay with the one hospitable family willing to take them in.

Luke 10:4-7   “Carry neither money bag, knapsack, nor sandals; and greet no one along the road. 5 But whatever house you enter, first say, 'Peace to this house.'  6 And if a son of peace is there, your peace will rest on it; if not, it will return to you.

7 And REMAIN in the SAME house, eating and drinking such things as they give, for the laborer is worthy of his wages. Do NOT GO FROM HOUSE TO HOUSE.”   

Mark 6:10-11

Also He said to them, "In whatever place you enter a house, STAY there till you depart from that place. 11 And whoever will not receive you nor hear you, when you depart from there, shake off the dust under your feet as a testimony against them. Assuredly, I say to you, it will be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment than for that city!"

Even when Paul traveled to Thyatira in modern-day Turkey (now spelled “Turkiye”), a woman named Lydia invited him and his party to stay with her in her beautiful home instead of having to find places to sleep each night.

Acts 16:14-15

“Now a certain woman named Lydia heard us. She was a seller of purple from the city of Thyatira, who worshiped God. The Lord opened her heart to heed the things spoken by Paul. 15 And when she and her household were baptized, she begged us, saying, "If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come to my house and STAY." So she persuaded us.”

Yeshua/Jesus did advise his followers to preach the gospel. How were they to do it? Not house to house. They preached instead in synagogues while they could. Or in the public square. Or by a river side. Or wherever they could, generally in public.

I obey what Yeshua/Jesus said, so I do not go preaching house to house. Jesus said not to. But to preach in a church building, or public place, or in a park or public square – would be wonderful.

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True Discipleship - Are we really following Christ?

What exactly is a Christian? Or a true disciple of Christ? These are questions every believer should ponder occasionally. Of course, the New Testament clearly shows that a true follower of Christ is not simply someone who believes in God (James 2:19), for even demons do that, and tremble. Nor is a true follower just one who feels they are a good person (1 John 1:8).  But how do the Scriptures actually identify a real Christian?

Dr. George Barna, head of the respected Barna Research Group, recently shared some interesting statistics (Raising Spiritual Champions,‎ Arizona Christian University Press, 2023) regarding Christianity in the United States that are relevant to this question.  Barna noted that there are some 174 million self-identified Christians in the US – constituting 68 percent of the country’s population.  But there are only 84 million who attend a church once a week – constituting 33 percent  of the population –  and only 46 million Christians – some 18 percent of the population– who self-identify as being deeply committed to their faith.

What is amazing is not that these numbers are so low, but that true disciples of Christ are probably far fewer still. As Barna correctly notes, just being willing to identify ourselves as Christian, growing up in a Christian family, going to church, or even feeling that we are “committed” believers does not make us Christians. Sadly, even among the minority of more committed individuals, Barna’s research shows that very few understand what actually constitutes the biblical definition of a disciple of Christ.  

Fundamentally, as the apostle Paul wrote, “If anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ ... The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children” (Romans 8:9, 16), but how do we recognize such a person –  a true disciple or follower of Jesus? Several verses in the Gospel of John provide the answer to this question from the words of Jesus himself. 

First, Jesus taught unequivocally that “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples” (John 8:31).  Jesus spoke these words to those who were said to believe on him (“To the Jews who had believed him, Jesus said …”), showing belief alone is not enough to make us a real follower of Jesus.  If we do not obey Christ’s teachings, we simply are not his disciples – and, of course, this involves knowing what those teachings are. If we do not know what Christ commanded, we cannot “hold to” or keep his teachings.

Jesus also insisted on another identity test for his true followers: “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). Although this primarily means love of other Christians in the context in which it was spoken, loving “one another” also has the broader application of loving everyone, whether fellow believers or not.  And what made it a new command, was his statement to love one another “as I have loved you” (verse 34). Love as Christ loves.

Finally,  Jesus told his followers: “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples” (John 15:8). Even if we obey Christ’s commands and love one another, we must still bear spiritual fruit in order to truly be a follower of Christ. Usually we tend to think of spiritual fruit in terms of Paul’s list of the “fruit of the Spirit” (Galatians 5:22-23), and these qualities could certainly be included in what Jesus said, but in context his words about bearing “fruit” perhaps apply even more to Christian service – that we do not simply develop ourselves, but that we enable God to work through us to produce  spiritual fruit, doing good works and spreading the gospel in whatever ways we can. Notice, regarding this final test, John shows Jesus spoke to his disciples about being one with him in a context of service (John 15:14) and stressed that “I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit” (John 15:16 emphases added).  The disciples were not appointed and then told to “go” just to develop their own spiritual attributes. Fruit on a tree is not just for the tree, but to feed others – people, deer, and more. In the same way, fruit God produces in us is to be shared with others for their benefit.

Jesus summarized exactly these three criteria of discipleship on the final evening of his ministry.   In John 15:10–16 we find that he told his followers “If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love … Love each other as I have loved you ... I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last.” 

The apostle John elaborates on these same requirements of discipleship repeatedly in his letters (1 John 2:3; 2:10; 3:10; 3:17–18; etc.), but it is important to remember that the criteria were not just John’s and that they were established by Jesus himself. 

Jesus showed that anything less than the pursuit of these goals is not really following him. It is only as we obey him, love one another, and produce spiritual fruit in the form of good works and the furtherance of the gospel that we are truly his disciples – that we are really following Jesus Christ.  Are we settling for less? That is something we can all think about.

*This blog post was adapted from the author’s website at

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Rejoice in Trials? Really? James 1:2-4

Note from P Shields: this article or blog is by Carol Taylor and she brings some deep insights into this topic. Enjoy. 

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We all know what happens if muscles are not exercised—they get flabby. Not because they ‘turn to fat’ but because they lose the mass that developed when we were pushing them. Neither bones nor muscles develop properly nor remain healthy if there is no stress put on them. Even seedlings must endure some wind at times, or they will grow up weak and scrawny.

            If we didn’t have to go through any difficulties, we think we’d be happier, but we wouldn’t be growing like we should. Unlike animals, virtually every new motor skill we learn results in many failures before accomplishment—whether walking, running, jumping, climbing, skating, biking or whatever. It’s a good thing we start learning these things as children, because a great many adults would likely never try, knowing the struggle it was going to be.

            In the same way, trials are a necessary part of our growth, maturity, and development. And don’t think that all trials are some kind of punishment from God! Remember it says of Christ that He ‘learned obedience by the things He suffered.’ (Heb 5:8) This does not mean that Christ was disobedient in any way! It means He learned how difficult obedience is when we have to deny our natural evil instincts.

            “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Heb 4:15-16)

            Have you ever had someone tell you, “I know just what you’re going through!”? Unless that person has gone through what you’ve gone through, they can’t really understand. There just is no way to know what it’s like to lose a child, a mate, go through divorce, a serious car accident, loss of a job, long-term illness, suffer endless severe pain, etc. unless you have gone through it yourself. We can sympathize with someone’s trials, but we cannot empathize unless we’ve been through a similar experience.

            In that regard, Paul said something very interesting about his trials: “Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions, for the sake of His body, which is the church.” (Colossians 1:24 NIV)

            What does he mean about afflictions which are ‘lacking’ in Christ’s Body? It's quite possible it means that his (and our) sufferings and endurance in trials add knowledge and understanding to His own Body! After all, there are all kinds of human afflictions Christ had no time or opportunity to experience during His short time on earth. Christ never lost an arm or leg, never had a disease, never lost a child, never was paralyzed, never had his home vandalized, never was in a severe accident… The list could go on and on. And, in order for the Body of Christ—the Church—to be fully empathetic of every type of human tragedy and suffering, it would make sense that at least one of the Elect has to go through it. Then, as a complete entity, the Body of Christ would never encounter anyone throughout the ages who would be able to say, “You don’t understand.”

            We know Paul was not being punished when he suffered a shipwreck, was left in the open sea to drown, was beaten, stoned, imprisoned, disrespected, etc. But he was a light to the world in his sufferings, was miraculously preserved from death many times, and rejoiced that he was counted worthy to add his afflictions to Christ’s Body—the Church.  So, we too or even as the direct result of ours or others’ sins. Although we do bring things on ourselves, and others’ actions do affect us, many times trials come upon God’s people for no apparent reason and we should not see every trial as God punishing us. And though it’s hard to ‘count it all joy’ when we fall into trials and difficulties, (James 1:2) it should help to know that it might be part of our preparation for our place in God’s Kingdom. After all, we are going to be priests and kings to the entire world one day! (Rev 1:6; 5:10) In order to be effective rulers, we must go through testing and trials to understand the world’s sufferings just as Christ did.

            One other purpose of trials is for God to show us our hidden faults, as He did with Job. It’s not easy for us to see our own self-righteousness, selfishness, vanity, etc. yet these are serious sins just as much as any other and need to be rooted out.  “Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts and see if any wicked way is in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psa 139:23-24)

            When Job went through his many difficulties, he said, “Should we accept blessings from God and not adversity?” Job knew that so many tragedies coming all at once could not be coincidental. Although he didn’t understand why so many bad things had happened to him, he knew God was in charge and had allowed them. And God would not have allowed Satan to do so much to Job if He wasn’t quite sure Job would remain faithful to Him.

            When we go through a series of trials, one way to rejoice is to acknowledge that it is God who allows Satan to test us. Like Job, we should be fully confident that God is in charge and actually feel honored that He believes us strong enough to withstand Satan’s attacks. God uses Satan to correct, test and try us—just like He uses the wind to build strength in trees and shrubs or to knock them down if they aren’t strong enough. Satan only wishes to do evil and thinks he can undermine God’s plan. He has no idea that he is simply a tool in God’s hand and, when he is no longer useful, will be removed.

            We’re very happy to attribute all the good things in our lives to God but don’t always realize that the evil God allows, or even sends, is also for our ultimate benefit! We love to quote Romans 8:28 but must remember all things work together for good, for God’s purpose it says. When we can trust God even in the tough trials, that shows God our faith remains in him regardless of what He lets us go through. In fact, that builds the faith muscles of our lives. And in these – we can rejoice. 

It may take years to fully understand why God sent or allowed various trials, but someday we’ll understand. And in the meantime, the trials help us become what God needs us to be. For example, we’re told in Job 42:11b that Job’s family came to comfort Job for all the adversity God had brought upon Job, though God used Satan to actually do it. Even Joseph told his brothers that all the evil they had done against him was actually all in God’s plan – to eventually save many people alive (Genesis 50:18-21).  What a lesson for us too! Joseph must have often wondered why he was spending years in a dungeon. God was having his purposes accomplished and faith being built.

 Trials create strength, understanding, humility, faith, perseverance, endurance, depth, maturity, and much more (Romans 5:3-4). And we must always remember that God will let nothing bad happen to us that isn’t part of His plan. He can and does stop many bad things from happening to us—sometimes in miraculous ways—but He also allows us to experience a normal life in a world full of suffering and pain. We must experience some of what everyone else does—occasional sickness, injury, accidents, pain, sorrow—because we are part of this world. And it will help us have deep empathy for others when we reign with Christ as priests and kings. But God is always aware of what we’re going through! Every moment of our lives is in His hand and awareness. After all, he knows when every sparrow alights on the ground and has every hair on our heads numbered. (Matt 10:29-31)

            Trust God in good times and in bad. He has a purpose for all we go through, and He never sleeps nor slumbers! (Psa 121). So yes, we can and must learn to rejoice even in our trials.



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Is the Millennium the Kingdom of God?

So many teach and believe that when we pray “thy kingdom come”, that we’re referring to the millennial thousand-year reign of Christ. We use phrases like “the soon-coming Kingdom of God” – and to many, that’s referring to the thousand year reign of Christ on the earth. That millennial time is often also called “the world tomorrow”.

The kingdom of God is also called – especially by Matthew’s gospel – “the Kingdom of heaven”.  Keep that in mind as we review this topic.

So IS the “world tomorrow” or the Millennium actually the full kingdom of God on earth finally? Many of you would respond, “Of course it is!”  Well, is it?  It’s important to believe and teach truth. Jesus is truth personified.

Many teach – especially during the Feast of Tabernacles, the many prophetic scriptures of what the earth will be like when God’s Son is ruling: how the desert shall blossom like a rose, and how there will be righteous rulers, and justice will prevail, and every man will sit under his own fig tree, and they will not learn war anymore but will convert their swords and spears into plowshares and agricultural instruments. Nation will not go to war against nation, under Christ … at least not at first.

Those are all wonderful, but do those prophecies necessarily mean the world tomorrow Millennial reign of Christ will be the kingdom of God on earth?

Here are some key points defining the Kingdom of God:

** God’s kingdom has always existed and exists now. We’re not waiting for it to exist. God’s kingdom will come to the new earth eventually but it already exists very well in heaven.

** Because the Kingdom of God is currently in heaven, Matthew especially often calls it “the kingdom of heaven.” It’s called “Heavenly Jerusalem” (Hebrews 12:22), where God’s throne is, and where Yeshua/Jesus is seated on the right hand of God’s majesty (Eph. 1:20;  Hebrews 8:1).

If we study Revelation 4, we can get a very good and colorful portrayal of God’s throne room in heaven – with the thrones of the 24 elders and Four Living Creatures all on the massive “sea of Glass” like crystal before God’s very own throne. Plus there will be hundreds of millions of holy angels – with various appearances. Some will have four or six wings and some without wings. Some angels appear as spirit humans, or as spirit eagles, or horses, or oxen or other creatures we know on earth.

** God the Father is very generous and shares His kingdom also with his Son, so it’s also called “the kingdom of the Son of His love” (Col. 1:13). So it’s not just the kingdom of God the Father, but also of his Son – so it’s also the kingdom of Jesus, the Son of God; same as the kingdom of God.

**  Jesus/Yeshua – like our Father – then also shares that kingdom with His holy ones, the saints. So the kingdom of God really is also OUR kingdom and in fact we are citizens right now of that kingdom (Eph 2:19) and members of the household of God. We are joint heirs with Christ of everything He is given (Rom. 8:16-17).

Luke 22:28-30   "But you are those who have continued with Me in My trials. 29 And I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me,  30 that you may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel."

Those who overcome will inherit all things (Rev. 21:7) --- which means we should also think of the Kingdom of God, or Kingdom of heaven – as also being OUR kingdom. In the same way that we citizens of the USA, think of the USA is OUR country. So the kingdom of God is also the kingdom of the saints who have God’s spirit.

** “Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God” (1 Cor. 15:50). This verse is too often forgotten or ignored. There will still be many millions, maybe billions of physical flesh and blood people living in the millennial times, so how could that be the Kingdom of God? The motif or seal of the lion and the lamb being led by a little child cannot be the picture for the kingdom of God. It’s a great picture of the Millennium, yes, or of “the World Tomorrow,” yes – but not of the Kingdom of God. Flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God remember.

Think about this! IF flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God, then that means that ALL of those in the Kingdom of God, EVERYONE in the Kingdom, are all SPIRIT beings, no longer physical. They are all immortal with spirit bodies, not just glorified physical fleshly bodies.

Be sure to study 1 Corinthians 15:42-50,which explains there are fleshly bodies and there are spiritual or spirit bodies. Those in the kingdom of God no longer can die. They are immortal spirit beings.

ONLY spirit beings make up the Kingdom of God: God, the Son of God and holy angels, whom we’re told are also spirit (Heb 1:7, 14). Then we, once we are changed to spirit at the resurrection, will also be part of that exciting special spirit kingdom of God.

1 Corinthians 15:42-49   So also is the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in corruption, it is raised in incorruption. 43 It is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness, it is raised in power. 44 It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body. 45 And so it is written, "The first man Adam became a living being." The last Adam became a life-giving spirit.

46 However, the spiritual is not first, but the natural, and afterward the spiritual. 47 The first man was of the earth, made of dust; the second Man is the Lord from heaven. 48 As was the man of dust, so also are those who are made of dust; and as is the heavenly Man, so also are those who are heavenly. 49 And as we have borne the image of the man of dust, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly Man.”

** ONLY righteousness dwells in the Kingdom of God. There’s no more sin, no more unrighteousness in that kingdom. God’s perfect will is always done in the Kingdom of God. We even pray “thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” The poor in spirit inherit the Kingdom of heaven (Matt 5:3). But yes, there will still be sin and unrighteousness by some in the millennial kingdom.

2 Peter 3:13  “Nevertheless we, according to His promise, look for new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells”.

Revelation 21:27  “But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.”

** Therefore only obedience to God will prevail in the Kingdom. But this is a central point: but what do we see in the Millennium by contrast? Though much better than the world is now, it is still not perfect. We find much of the world refusing to obey at first. Zechariah 14:16-19 is clear that Egypt and many others “of all the nations” will refuse to come to Jerusalem to keep the Feast of Tabernacles for some years. They refuse! So the Millennium cannot yet be the Kingdom of God.

Zechariah 14:16-19    “And it shall come to pass that everyone who is left of all the nations which came against Jerusalem shall go up from year to year to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, and to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 17 And it shall be that whichever of the families of the earth do not come up to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of hosts, on them there will be no rain. 18 If the family of Egypt will not come up and enter in, they shall have no rain; they shall receive the plague with which the Lord strikes the NATIONS who do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles. 19 This shall be the punishment of Egypt and the punishment of all the nations that do not come up to keep the Feast of Tabernacles.”

And even worse, at the end of 1,000 years of righteous rulership by Christ and the saints, what happens? Read Revelation 20:7-10. Satan is released from the prison abyss and successfully forms a large army to come attack King Jesus and the camp of the saints – perhaps at a Feast of tabernacles going on! That’s after 1,000 years of righteous rulership! That war, and their ugly attitudes, certainly do not represent the Kingdom of God! That would never happen in the full, complete Kingdom of God.

So back to our question: when Jesus returns and sets up his reign on earth for one thousand years, is that the “kingdom of God”?

Answer: NO, the Millennium is RULED by the kingdom of God’s spirit rulers but there’s still too much sin and rebellion that is periodically happening to be able to call the Millennium the Kingdom of God. And remember flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor 15:50). ONLY spirit beings make up the kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is in heaven at present. It will be the Rock that crushes all the earthly kingdoms when Christ returns, pictured by the Stone smashing the feet and the image of the earthly kingdoms of Daniel 2, and then fills the whole earth. Then God our Father comes down from his third heaven to a new heavens and new earth – and brings the kingdom of heaven down to earth, as described in Revelation 21 and 22. And of his kingdom there shall be no end.

THAT, not the Millennium or “world tomorrow,” is the true, full kingdom of God.

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Why Immodesty is a Problem

Written by older ladies in the Church of God

(Please do NOT give this to teenagers youger than 18. Parents should read this and reveal as much as they feel their teens need to know).

In coed sports, when male players accuse female players of trying to distract them with their skimpy outfits, it’s not usually taken seriously.  But did you know that the same sort of feminine distractions are the cause of thousands of car accidents every day?!  A study done in August 2022 discovered that, in Britain alone, nearly a million accidents a year are caused by drivers—mostly men—being distracted by attractive pedestrians and billboards!  [1]

Given the way most women dress today, it’s highly unlikely that many of the women the drivers said they ‘could not help but look at’ were dressed modestly.  And you can be almost certain that the beautiful women on the billboards—which many of the men said they ‘couldn’t tear their eyes away from’—were scantily clothed and posing seductively. 







We older women remember how fun it was to turn heads and feel attractive to the opposite sex.  Like most other young women, we didn’t understand what turned a guy on and were often surprised that something as innocent as a strap of a sundress falling off our shoulder could do it, or the wind accidentally blowing our skirt up.  We now have a far better understanding of how those strange creatures called men, work. Of course, we’ve also included many comments from men as we thought it best to ‘go to the horses’ mouth,’ so to speak!

In our youth, clothing like mini-skirts, short shorts and thigh-high boots were introduced by the fashion designers, music and movie stars. They were banned by most parents, schools, and colleges but girls nonetheless bought them. Nowadays, the mini-skirt is considered normal and is even accepted as part of the uniform for some high schools, both private and public. But God’s Word commands women to be modest in every way, and for good reason!


“And I want women to be modest in their appearance. They should wear decent and appropriate clothing and not draw attention to themselves by the way they fix their hair or by wearing gold or pearls or expensive clothes. 

For women who claim to be devoted to God should make themselves attractive by the good things they do.” (I Tim 2:9-10)  

“Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious.” (1 Peter 3:3-4)

Acting or dressing in a sexy manner creates lust in men. Modesty, femininity and sweetness create a desire in men to care for and protect a woman. 

Decaying Morals

The Western world’s morals are on a severe downward spiral with many music and movie stars taking provocative clothing and seductiveness to a whole new low.  It likely makes most young women today feel quite modest in their strapless crop-tops and mini-skirts, compared to the many outrageous outfits of so many idolized female pop stars. 

But merely dressing less immodestly than pop stars is not what a godly woman should be striving for!  As quoted by Tomorrow’s World magazine from an article in the magazine, Good Housekeeping, “Surviving Britney Spears”:

“Parading through videos in cropped-tops and bikinis, she has incredible appeal to girls as young as eight or nine.  Young teenagers are increasingly immersed in an erotic world. The results are quite evident…many, barely into their teens, look and act like prostitutes!”  [11] 



It is sad to see very young girls wearing cloting and makeup like little sex objects. What are their parents thinking?

Do you really want your teen to be mistaken for a prostitute?  But do you know what you are saying by the clothes you’re wearing!?  Here is some wise advice that sums up the Biblical principle of modesty: ‘Wear clothes tight enough to show you’re a woman and loose enough to show you’re a lady.        ’
The same principle applies to any outfit that shows cleavage, is too short, or shows any part of your body that is meant to be kept private.  A godly woman does not show off her body in any way.  (If you’re not sure whether something is provocative, ask someone you trust—like your parents, a brother, or husband)

This excerpt from the same World Tomorrow magazine should help make it clear: “Skirts that are too short and tight, plunging necklines, high slits and other similar styles are designed to send a sexually seductive message to men. While many young women would deny this is their intention and say that it is just the style, their parents need to help them grasp that, regardless of their motive for doing so, they are projecting an image that is seductive and sexually arousing to men.” [11]

Immodesty is Self-Defeating

While it isn’t wrong for women to try to be attractive, to purposely dress or act in any way that tempts a man sexually (other than her husband in private) is absolutely wrong, foolish, and counterproductive.  Of course, most women in the Western world dress in skimpy clothing because it is the fashion of the day, but they are nonetheless following Satan’s way when they do, and it is self-defeating—as we will prove! 
The survey in the Daily Mail called men’s dangerous attention to attractive females, ‘lust.’ Lust begins with looking which can very quickly create sexual arousal in men and can then turn to lust in a heartbeat.  While it is not wrong for any of us to look at the opposite sex with admiration, lusting after anyone is a sin

But do you really know what lust is? Lust is not just sexual desire.  A man and a woman in love will have sexual desire for each other which is God-given, beautiful, natural, and normal.  Sexual desire can and should be a part of every marriage based on love.  But lust has nothing to do with love!  It is selfishly desiring immediate sexual gratification and involves no lasting feelings for the person desired.  Lust can even be aroused in men by seeing private body parts of a woman having no idea of who they belong to!  The current fad of girls sending risqué pictures of just their private parts to men—many complete strangers—is doing exactly that!  It is an absolute abomination purposely tempting men to sin and a disgrace for any woman to engage in!

Women must understand that most men will be attracted to and look at sexy women—even if they are happily married.  But, as strong as their sex drive is, the majority still value true love, a lasting relationship, and a family, above all else.   And women who dress as sex objects are usually not taken seriously, whereas the modest, girl-next-door type are looked up to and valued.   For a woman to mix sweet and innocent with sexy and alluring, confuses men, to say the least.   Always dress for the type of woman you are!

One of the biggest mistakes women make with men is believing that when a man desires them sexually it means he likes and cares for them.  The old saying is true: Women give sex to get love and men give ‘love’ to get sex.  Of course, men are not giving love when they are ‘in lust’—they are only doing and saying whatever will get a woman to have sex with them!

Lust causes men to objectify and use women and even despise them because it is focused solely on satisfying the self.  This is exactly what happened between Amnon and Tamar. (2 Sam 13)  And it’s why ungodly men can have sex with any number of women with no feelings or concern for them whatsoever. 

Job said, “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a young woman.” (Job 31:1 NIV)
And Christ said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.”  (Matt 5:28) 

There is no such command for women!  So don’t blame men because their thoughts can so often turn to sex, or because they are much more easily aroused—it’s the way God made them!  And, whether a woman shows sexy body parts purposely or accidentally, makes no difference in how it can affect men. It is up to you to wear clothes that don’t even accidentally show off your body!  As one long-time minister said,

“I really appreciate it when a woman keeps her top from gaping open as she bends over, to prevent me seeing something that might tempt me to sin.”    

A woman who truly understands the nature of lust, would never desire to have men be ‘in lust’ with her. It is one of the most misunderstood aspects of male/female relationships and why so many women are hurt when, what they thought was a relationship built on love, turns out to only have been built on lust

All women need to understand that, to a man, a woman acting or looking ‘sexy’ is offering herself to every man around.  So, he assumes it’s just a matter of which man she’ll choose to satisfy her—and him—sexually.  And when a woman dresses in a way to purposely ‘inspire’ lust, that’s usually all she’s going to get!

"Dear Girls, dressing immodestly is like rolling around in manure. Yes, you'll get attention, but mostly from pigs!" Sincerely, Real Men

Modesty and True Love

Here is God’s way in a nutshell from a man who has been in God’s Church for over 50 years and was happily married for over 40 years:

“You have a perfectly loving heavenly Father, and His way is THE ONLY WAY that works. Unfortunately, many people settle for something that can look and feel like love but is not!  Lust—and being lusted after—is Satan’s way and his way NEVER WORKS!  It might feel like love and be exciting for a time, but Satan’s way always ends in pain.  The way for you to have the very best that God created for you—the love you need and deserve—is to save every aspect of your sexuality for a man who will treasure you, protect you, provide for you, and truly love you. 

Don't dress or act in any way that might attract fake ‘love’!  Get the whole enchilada!  God truly loves you and wants the very best for you!”

Do you really want the kind of attention that puts sex first instead of respect, love, and commitment?  Without love there can be no commitment and without commitment there can be no love.   So, when you dress or act in a sexy manner, you are shooting yourself in the foot because it comes across as blatantly offering sex with no commitment.  And most men cannot even think of getting to know or care about a woman when their sexual desire is aroused, because that desire, once stirred, is all they can think about.

Too many women know firsthand how aggressive and persistent men can be when they are crazy for sex. The severe emotional and bodily injury that can occur in rape are so disastrous that most women can never get past it.  However, while a woman should never attempt to arouse sexual desire in a man other than her husband, she is never responsible for rape or abuse no matter how she acts or dresses!  But if you aren’t offering sex, don’t send wrong messages by dressing or acting in a sexy manner! 

And don’t think a man’s need for sexual release is somehow shameful—God made men that way!  However, He does not condone men fulfilling their needs with any woman except his wife!  The Bible addresses this need in marriage quite clearly:

“Do not deprive each other of sexual relations unless you both agree to refrain from sexual intimacy for a limited time so you can give yourselves more completely to prayer. Afterward, you should come together again so that Satan won’t be able to tempt you because of your lack of self-control.” (I Cor 7:5 NLT)

Most women can go weeks, months, and even years without the need for any kind of sex.  Men aren’t made that way!  That’s why there are far more men indulging in pornography, strip shows, and sex for hire, than women.  But it is not the desire that is evil, it is the way either men or women seek to fulfill that desire. It is meant to be shared in marriage only and wives who deprive their husbands of sex are causing their husbands to be tempted to find sex elsewhere and damaging their marriage big time.   Just as food is not much of a temptation when your stomach is full, so a man who is satisfied sexually will be far less likely to be tempted than one who is deprived. 

Women Need to Control Their Wrong Desires too!

If you protest that men should just control themselves, you’re absolutely right!  But women must also control their own wrong desires because it isn’t just men that are guilty of lust! 

While some few women may be sex driven, most women just want attention and admiration. This is why so many women ‘compete’ with other women, resorting to immodest clothing as a common strategy.  And, even when they know they’re getting the wrong kind of attention, or are even happily married, it’s why many women still want to dress in a provocative manner!    Lust for attention can be as addictive as a drug—and yes, it is lust if a woman’s desire to be admired leads her in wrong ways—like showing off her body or behaving immorally!  That is Satan’s way, it is sinful, and it does not lead to any kind of lasting happiness.  God tells us plainly: “A person who commits sexual immorality sins against their own body.”  (I Cor 6:18)    The temptation to dress like the world is very strong but it cheapens a woman in a man’s eyes making her appear as a sex object—not the result most women are striving for!  Like setting a diamond in a worthless plastic ring, it can be difficult for a man to believe there is a woman of great value under a cheap sexy exterior.  

"As a jewel of gold in a swine's snout, so is a fair woman who is without descretion" Proverbs 11:22

Virtually any woman of any age or size can get men’s attention by acting or dressing immorally, so don’t think it’s any great accomplishment if you get lots of looks.  Seek instead respect and true love by presenting yourself as decent, moral, and modest.  A woman who does not demean herself by pandering to men’s lust, may not get as much initial attention, but the attention she does get will more likely be respectful and for her as a person rather than as a sex object.   

A modest, upright woman shows that she respects herself and is saving herself for one special man.  That makes her of far more value than those who flaunt themselves.  But we are very complex and devious and don’t always acknowledge or know why we do what we do, which is why King David asked God to cleanse him from secret sins.  (Psa 19:12)   


But Immodest Clothing is the Norm!

It would be understandable if you thought that because immodest clothing has been prevalent for so long, men aren’t really affected by it anymore.  But look at this response from a recent survey by 200 women given to 200 men [2]: “Despite rampant immodesty all around us, girls who choose to dress modestly do make a difference!”   92% of the guys agreed.  Here are some more responses to the girl’s questions to the men:

  • Can a girl tempt a boy by the way she dresses? 98% said, Yes.
  • Does fashion use sex appeal? 96% said, Yes.
  • Do you believe that boys are stimulated by sight more than girls? 92% said, Yes.
  • Do you feel that girls really understand the problem of immodest apparel? 50% said, No.
  • Which part of the female body as seen in public most quickly arouses your emotions? 60% said, Legs.
  • If you were married, would you want other men and boys to lust after your wife?  96% said, No.
  • Are most boys tempted to lust after a girl who dresses the way girls dress today?  77% said, Yes. [2]  

As Christ said: “Temptation to do wrong is inevitable, but how terrible it will be for the person who does the tempting.” (Matthew 18:7 NLT)

This is not saying we are ever responsible for anyone else’s sins. ‘The devil made me do it’ doesn’t work with God!  God commands men to keep their thoughts pure and they must not put the blame on any woman, no matter how she dresses or acts.  However, lust is something all decent men fight all their lives and we women are either helping or hindering them by what we wear and how we act!

If you are hindering your brother in Christ by how you dress or act, YOU ARE SINNING!

This comment was from a college-age man: The thing that women do not seem to fully grasp is that the temptation towards lust does not stop for us as men.  It is continual.  It is aggressive.  It does all it can to lead men down to death.  They [women] have a choice to help or deter its goal.  Consider this message my appeal on behalf of the men for you to help us deter the goal of lust in our lives.  To the girls who are ignorant, please serve your brother, and have your dad screen your wardrobe.  Ask him how you can better choose holiness over worldliness. To the girls who don't follow the pattern of the world, thank you a million times over!  You are following Scripture's commands and helping your brothers in the process.” [5]

The author of ‘Modesty Never Goes out of Style’, said this: “I heard a story of one of the ladies…who went shopping and really liked the shirt she was trying on; but then she thought, ‘No, I can't do this to the guys.’  That was the first time I’d ever heard of anything like that, and it made me so grateful.  It is such a blessing to have friends who care for me enough to be selfless and sacrifice what might look attractive in order to help me and other guys with sexual lust.  When ladies dress modestly, it's attractive.  Oh, yes, it is!  There is nothing more attractive ­­­­­than a godly woman dressed modestly, and it makes me want to hang out with them more.  I think modesty is so attractive and helpful in friendship because it makes it easier for a friendship to be centered around God and for fellowship to be unhindered.”  [5]

And this is a quote from a college student on Family Life: “Sometimes when I see a girl provocatively dressed, I'll say to myself, 'She probably doesn't even know that 101 guys are going to devour her in their minds today.'  Then, again, maybe she does.  To be honest, I don't know the truth: the truth of why she chooses to dress the way she does, the way she chooses to walk, the way she chooses to act.  I don't know because I've never sat down with the girl and asked her ‘Why?’  All I need to know is that the way she presents herself to the world is bait for my sinful mind to latch onto, and I need to avoid it at all costs.” [5]           
Here’s a comment from a man, aged 30:  “They distinguish themselves—the very thing the immodest girls are trying to do.  All girls have curves.  To a guy, showing more than that…doesn’t tell him anything new.  He knows you’re a girl; he wants a lady!”   [2]

Another from a 16-year old man:  “Yes, they (modestly dressed women) make me think!   That’s the kind of girl I want to marry!  Not only that, but their courage inspires me to be pure!”  [2]

A gentleman aged 21 said this: “They make a difference to me because they show me there’s something out there to save myself for.  They give me hope and prove they are a princess worth valuing. “ [2]    

Good Men Don’t Want you to Dress Immodestly!

One Church of God minister summed it up in a sermon: “The fellows who have a proper mind-set—who want to be Christians in every way—very much want to get to know the ladies around them.  But if they are approached by a lady who is dressed so provocatively that every moment he’s with her he’s got to guard his thoughts about the obvious way she’s coming across—as a sexual object—he can’t think about her personality; he can’t think about a conversation he might have with her.  He’s too busy—as a Christian—trying to block out all those things that are slapping him in the face wanting to get his attention in the wrong way.”

In summarizing a lot of the comments (from the survey above), so many of the guys said, ‘You know, when a woman dresses modestly, then I can get to know her! I can ask her about her life, and we can develop a relationship. And it goes so much better when the other ‘thing’ is not there, kind of ‘beating me up’.
“One of our young men said in a sermonette that he had gone to a warm-weather Feast site and the ladies in the Church were wearing bikinis.  Now I would submit to you—in a public setting—how would a bikini ever be proper?!  A Church setting at the Feast of Tabernacles and OUR ladies in OUR Church are wearing bikinis!?  How is that ever justifiable?!  And the people this man was talking about were not teenagers.  They were in their twenties and past, so this is not just for our teens.”  [2]


Look at this excerpt from a church bulletin:  “Dear sisters, On behalf of and for the benefit of men who are seeking to live in accordance with the will of God and to keep themselves pure and holy, to the end that you not encourage them to lust, and for your own eternal welfare, please do not call undue attention to yourself or expose yourself by wearing immodest apparel.

Godly men do not want to see your thighs—or more—in clothing that is too short, your cleavage in tops that are too low, your navels in tops that are too short, your undergarments in clothing that is too thin, nor the curves and characteristics of your bodies in clothing that is too tight.  Please look in the mirror at yourself—front and back—and ask yourself if your attire is becoming one professing godliness. You may need to make some changes.  A brother in Christ”  [2]

As one long-time Elder put it: “Personally, when I see things like this [ladies in immodest clothing], it is with disgust, a turn off and I think many men feel the same way!”      
Did you know that the late Queen Elizabeth of England did not allow any of the women in her family to appear in any official photographs in anything immodest?  At the very least we should be dressing as modestly as the Royal family, because, after all, we are always dressing for the very King of the Universe!  And His laws are always for our benefit!

As is stated in the COGWA Teen Blog:  “Are we dressing to impress the guys, or are we dressing in a way that shows them respect? You want a guy to respect you for you, and not for what you wear.  When we dress in inappropriate clothing, we can be creating a stumbling block for the men around us. Wearing short shorts and low-cut shirts will only attract the wrong kind of guy and send the wrong message to a Christian man.          
“How are we supposed to become friends with a guy when his mind is everywhere but on what we are saying? We can dress attractively while still staying modest and respecting everyone around us. Yes, it can sometimes be very challenging to find appropriate clothing at the mall.  Still, a pure woman chooses to dress and act in a way that makes her an object of respect rather than an object of lust.” [8]

Modest attire is also important in job interviews and the workplace. As Betsy Olinger, founder of Marketing-U (, an executive coaching firm, said about work attire:  “If it's something you think you look 'hot' in, it's wrong.  Women who dress in a manner that arouses men’s sexual senses are usually not taken seriously when it comes to promotions in the workplace.  They are seen as just wanting a ‘good time’ and studies show that a woman whose work attire is too provocative can be sabotaging her career.” [9]
Secure women have no compulsion to flaunt themselves. These women value their worth and show it in their dress and are far more likely to inspire men to also value and honor them! 

What Men Think Women are Saying When They Wear Seductive Clothing

Men can’t read women’s minds and they don’t understand women any better than women understand men.  Most men believe women who wear provocative clothing are showing that they want sex!  And is that not a logical conclusion?!  As they say in the business world: ‘Dress for the position you want!’    Haworth-Hoeppner (1998) reported that men…’believed women’s clothing choice was actually used to signal sexual intent’. [7]     
“Moor had male and female Israeli students view a photo of a woman wearing low cut tight jeans with a short top that exposed her breasts and midriff. Participants were asked to explain why the woman was so dressed. Men indicated women’s primary intentions for wearing sexy dress were temptation and seduction. Women indicated the woman dressed that way to gain affection. Over half the women shared that they sometimes dressed in body-revealing clothing; of those, nearly three-fourths indicated that they did so to look attractive, not to indicate their sexual intent.” [7]

Would you think i's OK for men to make sexually suggestive remarks to women in Church? I think not! But do you not realize that wearing sexy, suggestive outfits is inappropriate in the same way?

The bottom line is this: If you don’t want men to treat you as a sex object, do not dress like one!  Godly men neither need nor want a woman to cheapen herself by wearing immodest clothing.   They greatly value modesty and mystery!  Be different from the herd and choose to be modest!  The Devil tries every way he can to besmirch sex which God made to be beautiful, bonding and private between a husband and wife, so dressing in any kind of provocative, sexy way in public fits right in with his evil plans!  Remember who rules this world—including the fashion industry—Satan the devil! 

As Author Jeff Pollard states:  “The fashion industry does not believe that the principal purpose of clothing is to cover the body; it believes that the principal purpose of clothing is sexual attraction…” [3]
The Chicago Sun Post had this to say:  “Year after year, a handful of suspicious-looking characters who call themselves clothing designers issue their commands: ‘Wear your dresses short and wear boots and look like a ‘hooker.’ Now dress like a gypsy fortune-teller. Now look like a farm wife. Now wear spiked heels. Now show your thighs.’  And every time the pimps of fashion give word, all these ‘enlightened’ females obediently trudge to the clothing store.” [10]

Women must not be slaves to fashion!  It may take a little more work, more hunting for the right clothes and maybe some modifications, but to be modest is part of Godliness and Godly men appreciate it more than you know!  It IS worth it!


Don’t Feed Your Vanity

A great many women flaunt their bodies shamelessly and not only don’t care if men are affected but do it on purpose to tease, get attention, manipulate men, or feed their vanity.  This must not be a godly woman’s attitude.  Hopefully this article is helping you understand how a man’s mind works so you will make better choices in your clothes—all of them!

Here is what one man said:

“…if I could say anything to the women in the church, it would be this: first, there is not a man I know that doesn't struggle in some way with lust.  If they had any idea what went through guys' minds, it would probably vastly change the way they dress.  Secondly, and I think most importantly, God has created his church to be a resting place for Christians, to be a place where people encounter God without all the distractions… It is disappointing when I walk into the church or an event with the church and have to deal with the same temptations that I face in the world, but I rejoice whenever I see a girl or woman that is attempting to serve the Lord (and guys) by dressing modestly.  You have no idea how sweet and challenging it is when I see a woman who has decided not to flaunt her body— like the culture shouts for her to do—but rather she has decided that serving the Lord and her brothers is more important.” 

Another single man put it this way: “The one place where I might think not to have to face temptation is at church.  But this is not always the case!  When ladies that I'm friends with dress immodestly, it definitely has a negative effect on our friendship.  When she dresses immodestly, it doesn't make it easy to see her as a sister in Christ.  There is a constant battle going on as I'm talking with her.  Communication becomes more difficult because as I'm trying to listen to her, I am also trying to fight temptation.  I also think some ladies just aren't aware.” [5]

If you don't want other women showing off their bodies in as such a way that might tempt youir boyfriend or husband to lust, then why would you dress that way yourself?

This excerpt from a 1962 Good News magazine may be old but the advice is timeless: “God made the female body to be attractive to the male.  This attraction may be, and should be, one of sheer beauty.  But it also may be a stimulation of lust.  Especially when certain parts of the female figure are emphasized, such as the hips and buttocks by tight skirts, the low neckline exposing portions of breasts, or too-short skirts exposing more than is modest of the female leg.

“When I see a female with a skirt tight enough to call attention to her hips, she is either careless or else she is wearing it deliberately to attract male eyes and arouse lust toward her.  Wearing skirts which completely expose the knees when sitting, is an abomination in God’s eyes.  Are you deliberately trying to tempt men into breaking the spirit of God’s law against adultery?  Are you not breaking the very spirit of that law, yourselves?  God’s Church encourages women to dress neatly, pleasingly, attractively within the bounds of proper modesty and good taste.  It is the over-emphasis of lust-arousing portions of the female body that must be corrected. [6]        This also applies to skin-tight jeans, pants or leggings.  Showing off your body from the knees to the bust in any way—whether clothed or unclothed—is not God’s way.

From a minister in the United Church of God: “Virtually every man between the ages of 12 and 112 who has a normal set of male hormones responds to any female immodesty, overt sensuality or suggestiveness! The response may be lust and sexual arousal…But he may have another negative response, such as embarrassment, a compulsive curiosity to see more or annoyance at the distraction. If the man is trying to obey God, he may lament or resent the visual temptation that has provoked a mental battle within him.  A man often has mixed feelings, being turned on and turned off at the same time.” [12]

From a pastor: “Ladies, please don’t forget to apply these principles of modesty to formal events and weddings. In recent years, I have become increasingly grieved by the immodest dresses of both brides and bridesmaids at the weddings that I officiate. I have observed a number of young ladies in our fellowship who have dressed modestly all their lives appearing on their wedding day in extremely provocative dresses, exposing more of themselves than on any other day of their lives.

“Here are a couple of questions to ask yourself when shopping for a wedding or bridesmaid’s dress: Does this dress reflect the fact that a wedding ceremony is a holy service of worship and not a fashion show?  Can I picture myself standing in this dress, for an extended period of time, just a few feet from my pastor as he opens the Word of God and leads me in my solemn vows?

“Here are some criteria:

1. Find a wedding dress with a neckline that completely conceals any cleavage.
2. Avoid dresses without sufficient covering in the back.
3. Strapless gowns or dresses with only spaghetti straps are revealing
4. A modest gown should not be excessively tight and draw unnecessary attention to your figure.” [5]

Buying into the World’s Deception

When you attend a pop or rock concert featuring many of the popular femalesingers with their extremely provocative performances, do you have any idea how it is affecting virtually every man there, including your date, boyfriend, or husband?  There is8 no way any normal man can watch those indecent women gyrate around a stage with almost nothing on and not be tempted to lust!  And remember, you paid to see them! 

There are also some women who take their husbands to lingerie stores in order to pick out something sexy for themselves!  Really!?  Unless he is blind, he can’t help but notice many posters and ads with larger-than-life perfect bodies in sexy underwear and lingerie, guaranteed to arouse sexual desire!  And that desire won’t be for his wife!

If you wish to marry a man who is striving to keep himself sexually pure, does it make sense for you to dress in a way that tempts him to be impure?

What Can I Wear Then?

So, is the answer to wear clothing that covers every inch of us?  Of course not! There is no need for women to look weird or like you belong to some cult.  There are websites that sell modest clothing for women and plenty of fashions that are not revealing.  You can also wear a camisole under a low-cut top; sew up a slit in a skirt; wear something modest under anything see-through, put a long loose top over hip-hugging skirts, tight leggings and yoga pants, etc.  (Some women think that because tight leggings or yoga pants ‘cover’ them, they aren’t being immodest.  But even though skin may not be showing, revealing the cracks and dimples of a woman’s private parts through clothing can also be a huge turn-on for men.)












Women can dress very attractiveliy and still be modest!

You may have to buy clothing a size bigger to give you room because a lot of clothing that is ‘your’ size will be purposely made to tightly outline your figure.   But there are plenty of very modest, yet very pretty clothes for all sizes.  There really is no excuse!

A great many women who wouldn’t wear tight or revealing clothing out shopping or to work, somehow think the gym is different.  But immodesty in public at any time is a sin.  This means there are some hobbies and professions a godly woman cannot take part in.  If it requires immodest clothing, it is not suitable for a woman of God. 

But what about the Apostle Peter’s instructions against expensive clothing or jewelry, or fancy hairdos? (I Peter 3:3-4)

As a minister in UCG explains:

“These verses are talking about giving the wrong impression…If God has blessed us and we have sufficient income to buy nice clothing and jewelry—buy the nice clothing!  But not to show off or ‘one-up’ somebody else!  Is there something wrong with women taking care of their hair?  Absolutely not!  The whole concept…is that we are not to do anything for the wrong reason and not to overdo things from a vanity point of view but to do the very best with what God gives us. godly women should want to take care of what God has given them and look the very best they can—but modestly.  To be modest doesn’t mean to be ugly…the idea here is to adorn yourself with a meek and quiet spirit, and this is a big part of what modesty is.  It’s not just what we put on our bodies; it’s what we have in our minds in terms of an attitude.” [4]

Going back to the survey, the girls asked the guys for their reactions to this statement: “Girls can dress attractively without being immodest.”  97% of the men agreed! 

Strive to look Sweet rather than Saucy; Feminine rather than Foxy;
Class rather than Sassy!

Here are two comments from men, age 19: “Girls can be beautiful, noticeably beautiful, and guys can notice it without there being immodesty or lust involved and this is a good design of God!  Jacob, for example, clearly thought Rachel was beautiful in Genesis.  But there is no hint that Rachel dressed immodestly or that Jacob lusted after her.  Don’t allow the Devil to make us think the enemy is beauty!  The enemy is manipulation—the very ugly forces of lust and vanity in our hearts.”     
“When your views on beauty have been aligned with the Bible, you’ll be attracted to modesty.  For example: Now I’m much more attracted to girls in full-length dresses than a girl in ‘Daisy-dukes’.  Obviously, the girl in shorts is not the kind of girl I’d want to raise my children!  She’s wearing clothes I wouldn’t allow my daughter to wear!  To me, that’s not attractive.  It may ‘turn me on’ but it’s not attractive—and there’s a difference!” [2]

Having to fight ungodly impulses may cause many men to just stay away from women who dress or act in any manner that compromises their walk with God, including any such women in Church. And a man who is looking for a wife will likely feel some aversion to a woman who is willing to show off her body for all other men.  Men are not as shallow as some women think, especially men who are striving to be godly!  They greatly prize a woman who keeps her body hidden in respect for herself and others.
One of the female writers for COGWA, asked a male college-age friend why he thought modesty was important.  He said:

“Due to the sheer volume and accessibility of these themes and [provocative] images...I feel like I’m bombarded with it almost constantly, and it’s exhausting. Seeing girls in modest states of dress is almost comforting because it’s like a breath of fresh air; like a relief…Girls fail to consider the impact seeing a girl undress[ed] has on a guy. When a guy sees a girl like that, he can never unsee it. When I go to beach [Feast] sites and see all these [girls] in bikinis, it really bothers me…and because it’s like, ‘Come on, you should know better.’” [13]

Immodesty is Embarrassing

Some older men even feel obliged to turn down requests to speak to the teens in their congregation because the young girls dress so provocatively!   Parents need to make sure their teenage daughters are taught how to be modest and—as long as they are living at home—that the parent’s rules are followed!  A minister should never have to correct teenagers on this point!  That is the parents’ job!  (No one said raising children was easy!)  Remember your children are also holy, so see that they dress as becomes holy people!  (I Cor 7:14)

From a minister in CGG (Church of the Great God):

“Many people, especially men, have complained about immodesty in the clothing of some women and girls in the church. They have been embarrassed by such things as plunging necklines that expose the cleavage and exposure of the midriff area, especially the rolls of fat just above hip-hugger pants. My son-in-law works for a restaurant, and he said that he has not found a man yet that finds that attractive in any way. Thin bras that show everything, especially when the room is cold also embarrass them, as well as tight blouses.  Who would come before God dressed like this to worship Him? …Not being able to find something modest to wear is no excuse for buying something immodest and wearing it.”

“Job made a covenant with both his conscience and his eyes. God is the Judge; and we are therefore bound not to look on anything with a lustful or covetous eye, by which our conscience may be defiled, or God dishonored by our thoughts or actions as members of His church. It is hard for men not to look at such things. Women have a responsibility to help us not to look.” [14]

Tempting anyone to sin is a sin itself!  Look how Christ elaborated on what He said in Matthew 18:

“It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!  It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.” (Luke 17:1-2)

It is highly unlikely that any woman would become sexually aroused simply by how a man dresses!  But, as the young men in the survey above confirmed, virtually every one of them said they would be tempted to lust if a woman is dressed immodestly! 

And please remember that when you come before God in a worship service, your clothing should be especially modest and not distracting!  If a woman is going to be on a stage—such as for special music—her skirt will appear several inches shorter because the audience is looking up at her.  And do you really think a woman who is dressed immodestly should be teaching our children, playing for hymns, providing special music, signing for the deaf, or any other such service in church? 

Another perspective is from a minister in Church of the Great God: “I cannot help wondering where the husbands in the church are when their wives come to Sabbath services with thin tops and bras, leaving nothing to the imagination of the other men in the congregation. Ladies, if you do not have a husband attending with you, or you are single, please check your clothing by looking in a mirror before you come. Is your blouse too tight and gaping open? When you sit down, are you well covered? Whatever you see in that mirror, we see! Do you fathers monitor your teenagers' clothing?” [14]

Besides sitting in front of a mirror, lean over to see what is revealed if your blouse gapes open.  Look at yourself from the back and sides.  Your bottom and thighs should not be visible through your clothing, nor should they be outlined by tight clothing.  If they are, your clothes are immodest.           
We would also add that accessories which bring attention to specific body parts, like fishnet or patterned stockings, platform or overly high heels, body jewelry or ‘bling,’ can also cause men to focus on your body instead of you.  The Living Church of God adds this: “Clothes considered stylish by this world are often lacking in modesty. They are often overly revealing of the female body.  Double entendre slogans on sweatshirts and T-shirts, also, are suggestive and inappropriate.” [15]

And what about swimsuits?  Here is the LCG youth camp’s instructions: Girls must bring a modest one-piece or ‘tankini’ style suit for girls…The camp facility permits no bikini swimsuits for females, with no exceptions. Please make sure you plan accordingly. All swimsuits must be full coverage on the bottoms and tops. [19]         
Bikinis are not suitable for any woman of God in public at any time and many Christian camps for teens ban them!  Our standards should be at least as high as a teen camp.


Making A Parent’s Job Difficult

But causing men to stumble isn’t the only problem when Godly women dress immodestly.  Good mothers don’t want their teenage sons lusting after girls, nor their daughters dressing like sex objects.  They know how easy it is for men to become sexually aroused and how that powerful urge can cause them to say almost anything to get a girl into bed. And teens and young women are especially vulnerable to flattery and empty promises, not understanding that men can profess all kinds of endearing emotions just to get sex and then never call again.

The teen years are some of the most difficult times for parents who are striving to keep their daughters safe, innocent, and modest.  But how much more difficult is their job if these girls see older women in Church dressing in provocative clothing?!  Women who should know better and should be shining examples!  What a dreadful thing to be the bad example a young girl points to as ‘proof’ that she should also be allowed to wear provocative clothes!  And not only should the older women be setting the right example, they should also be teaching the younger women!  Unfortunately, even little girls as young as eight and nine are getting into racy clothing because the world promotes it so much.  And young mothers are letting them!  Is your example helping or hindering their choices?  

As editor of the pre-teen magazine Cookie, Pilar Guzman writes, “You get this idea that there is a kind of lost innocence, when racy adult fashions are being worn by ever-younger girls. In a world where media marketers seek to introduce adult fashions to younger-and-younger clients, it is more important than ever that mothers, older sisters, teens and adult female friends in God's Church set a good example for the younger girls.”

It can also be difficult for women—even godly women—not to be angry with immodest women and girls for tempting their husbands, boyfriends, or sons to sin, or for setting a bad example for their daughters.  It should be obvious that when a woman dresses or acts immodestly, it is wrong on so many levels!  Paul puts it very plainly:

“Decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother.” (Rom 14:13 ESV)


A Light to the World

Being a light to the world definitely includes how we dress!  That includes not following the immodest fashions of the day! 

“Don't be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what is the good and acceptable and perfect will of God.” (Rom 12:2 HNV)

In his talk to women and girls, a UCG minister, had this to say about women’s clothing:  “Advertisers know that a split-second sexy image can have as great an impact as a longer scene…high slits in skirts are like flashing lights—now you see thigh, now you don't. Also, sheer clothes, loose blouses when a woman leans forward, and sleeveless tops with loose armholes offer titillating peeks of skin and underwear.  Total nudity is less erotic than sexy packaging. A woman in skimpy or tight clothes is more exciting and mysterious because she is tantalizing and teasing to a man…similar to a striptease show.” [12]  















Modest clothing can be very beautiful and stylish!

What a terrible example for any woman professing to be a Christian to be a walking ‘striptease’ show!  Hardly a light to the world!  This minister further clarified: 

“Many psychological factors are involved in how one's dress and appearance affect others, not just the amount of skin showing. A short skirt is more provocative than shorts of the same length because of the obvious possibility of seeing up the skirt. A top with straps is less provocative than a strapless top. Décolletage without showing cleavage is not nearly as erotic as seeing the same neckline with cleavage showing. Outerwear that looks like underwear is risqué.” [12]


Some Guidelines for Godly Modesty:

  • Tight, form-fitting clothes of any kind should be avoided as should any outfit that reveals the back below the bra line.
  • No cleavage should be showing—wear a camisole or an undershirt if necessary. Don’t wear thin tops without a bra.
  • Armholes should not reveal the bust or the under-arm area
  • Midriff should never show—check when you raise your arms
  • Hems on skirts should be below the knees (test them sitting down)
  • Slits should not go above the knee (Test when sitting down)
  • Skirts & Pants should not hug the hips and thighs
  • Shorts should not be form-fitting and must completely cover the bum, including when you bend over
  • Jeans should not be form-fitting and should have no tears or slits above the knee
  • T-shirts and tops should not be form-fitting and should not have words, bling, or other décor across the chest
  • Leggings should never be worn without a long top covering the hips and thighs
  • Two piece swimsuits are not acceptable at any time (except tankini type). All swimsuits should cover cleavage and the bum and torso completely
  • Lace or patterned stockings should be avoided
  • Very high heels or high platform shoes should be avoided
  • Overdone hair or makeup should be avoided. Makeup should be minimal and should not completely change your looks (No man wants to marry a woman he doesn’t recognize in the morning!) False eyelashes are just that—false!  Be real!









Wear a camisole under a low-cut top. Sew up revealing slits. Choose feminine clothes rather than sexy.

The overall principle is to be modest!  Your clothes, shoes, accessories and hair are just the start.  Modesty also includes your walk, your look, makeup, and what you talk about.  Innuendos, sex talk, sexy flirting and joking are unsuitable for a Godly woman. 

God's people are to ‘come out’ of this world! (Revelation 18:3–4). We’re not to just be more conservative than the world but should always strive to exemplify godly principles, no matter what the world does.  In a sermon about the declining morals of this world, the president of the Living Church of God, Gerald Weston, made the point that not only should we not let our morals slide with the world, but we shouldn’t even stay on a straight line.  Our morals should constantly be on an upward slope aiming towards the perfection of Christ! [17]           
The disconnect of a godly woman dressing or acting immodestly is summed up in this quote by Ralph Waldo Emmerson: “What you do speaks so loudly I cannot hear what you are saying.”

If you look or act just like the world, why would anyone suspect you are a Christian? 

“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord: Walk as children of light.” (Eph 5:8)

As stated in a sermon by a minister in CGG: “It is a Christian duty—a requirement, not a suggestion—that we dress modestly. We have a Christian responsibility to wear modest apparel that begins in the context of our reverential worship and that extends from there to our daily living… God wills that we wear clothes as a matter of decorum and propriety in consideration of others and to avoid temptation that could lead to sinful wrong use… The reason for avoiding indecent or lewd exposure is that this type of exposure of the female body is lust-arousing to the carnal male mind.” [16]

“Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.” Prov 31:10


Your Body is a Temple to God

Modesty involves more than clothing. Your demeanor—the way you talk and walk and your body language—all must be modest and pleasing to God which leads to another question from the survey: Could a modestly-dressed girl still be a stumbling block because of her attitude and behavior?  94% of the men said, Yes [2]
Here is a comment from a young man, age 18: “A modestly dressed girl can still be a stumbling block when she is moving and acting in ways that make it clear she is not modest at heart.  This can inspire thoughts in my mind that tempt me to sin even though her body is covered.” [2]       
Another question in the survey was this: If you could say one thing to your sisters in Christ about modesty, what would it be? 

 One man, age 16 said:  “Please don’t take modesty lightly. As your brother in Christ, I value the relationship I will have with my wife someday.  When I am tempted because of you, I lose a part of myself I’m trying to save for her.  When I’m tempted because of you, I become that much more accepting of the perversions in the world.  When you remain pure and modest, my life is made so much easier!  Instead of watching to ensure I don’t sin, I can focus on you as a person and fellow follower of ChristI appreciate modesty more than you’ll ever know!  Please show respect for yourself and me and be modest!” [2]

“Run from sexual sin! No other sin so clearly affects the body as this one does. For sexual immorality is a sin against your own body.  Don't you realize that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, which lives in you and was given to you by God? You do not belong to yourself, for God bought you with a high price. So you must honor God with your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:20 NLT).

This world is held captive by Satan. Don't let the world with its seductive ways lead you down destructive paths! “Glorify God in your body and spirit.” (I Cor 6:20) How? By saving ALL seductiveness, sensuality, and sexuality for marriage when your lovely body will help to enrapture just one special man! (Proverbs 5:19).  There is no greater gift you can give to your husband than your purity—in thought, action, and dress.

“Therefore, brothers and sisters, in view of the mercies of God, I urge you to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God; this is your true worship.” (Rom 12:1 CSB)

"Classy is when a woman has everything  to flaunt but chooses not to show it: [20]

“Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.” (Prov 31:30)




[2] (Most of the survey and many comments have been taken off their website, but we have written permission to use those we found before they disappeared.)

[3]  Christian Modesty and the Public Undressing of America by Jeff Pollard

[4] by Randy D’Allesandro

[5] Worldliness: Resisting the Seduction of a Fallen World






[11] by John   Ogwyn

[12] by Don Hooser

[13] by Vivienne Villaescusa

[14] modesty-part-two-put-on-righteousness.htm


[16] 1592/modesty-part-one-moderation-propriety.htm

[17] by Gerald Weston ?? (Not sure of

 this link)

[19] Modest Attire: Our Christian Responsibility January/February 2007 Rod McNair LCG

[20] Attributed to Hugo Chavez

Church Organizations:

CGG—Church of the Great God

COGWA—Church of God a Worldwide Association

LCG—Living Church of God

UCG—United Church of God











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 The Call to Shine: Why We Must Not Be Secret Christians 

In today's world, where the pressure to conform to societal norms is intense, the temptation to be a "secret Christian" or even a secret believer can be strong. We might fear judgment, ridicule, or even persecution if we openly declared ourselves to be believers in the Messiah. However, the call of Christ is clear: we are to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8). 

Let's explore why being a secret Christian is not an option and how openly living out our faith can transform our lives and the lives of those around us. 

The Biblical Mandate 

Jesus Himself spoke about the importance of openly professing our faith. 

Matthew 5:14-16 (NKJV) 

"You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. LET your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." 

This is a powerful reminder that our faith is meant to be visible. Just as a city on a hill cannot be hidden, our lives as Christians should not be hidden either. So, is our believing light shining clearly – or do we hide our faith and life? We should let the light of Christ, the Light of the world, shine naturally through us, drawing others to Him. 

The Impact of Bold Faith 

When we live our faith openly, we do more than just fulfill a commandment. We have the potential to inspire and encourage others. Consider the early Christians who, despite severe persecution, boldly proclaimed the Gospel. Their unwavering faith and courage led to the rapid spread of Christianity throughout the Roman Empire. 

Notice how the early church brethren prayed after the twelve apostles had been threatened before being released (Acts 4:18-24). Here’s part of their prayer: 

Acts 4:29-31 (NKJV): "Now, Lord, look on their threats, and grant to Your servants that with all boldness they may speak Your word, by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done through the name of Your 

holy Servant Jesus." And when they had prayed, the place where they were assembled together was shaken; and they were ALL filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke the word of God with boldness." 

After Stephen was martyred, persecution was so strong against the early believers that they fled Jerusalem, except the apostles. What we’re about to read was written about the regular church brethren who were the ones scattered: 

Acts 8:1-2, 4 

“Now Saul was consenting to his death. At that time, a great persecution arose against the church which was at Jerusalem; and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles. 

4 Therefore, those who were scattered went everywhere preaching the word.” 

Similarly, our open declaration of faith can have a ripple effect. When we share our testimonies, show love and kindness, and live with integrity, we become living examples of God's transformative power. People around us, seeing the difference Jesus Christ makes in our lives, may be drawn to seek Him themselves. 

Matthew 5:16 (NKJV): "LET your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven." 

1 Peter 2:12 (NKJV): "Having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles, that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may, by your good works which they observe, glorify God in the day of visitation." 

2 Corinthians 3:2-3 (NKJV): "You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart." 

Living out our faith boldly and visibly not only strengthens our own relationship with God but also serves as a powerful testimony to those around us. As we embody the teachings of Christ, we demonstrate the reality of His presence and power in our lives, compelling others to explore and embrace the faith that guides us. 

Overcoming Fear and Opposition 

Fear of rejection or opposition can be a huge barrier to living our faith openly. Yet, the Bible offers numerous examples of individuals who faced these fears and stood firm. The Apostle Paul, for instance, endured imprisonment, beatings, and ridicule, yet he remained steadfast in his mission to preach Christ. 

In 2 Timothy 1:7-8 (NKJV), Paul encourages Timothy and all believers: "For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me His prisoner, but share with me in the sufferings for the gospel according to the power of God." 

This should remind us that God equips us with the words, strength, and courage we need to face opposition. Our testimony, even in the face of adversity, is a powerful witness to God's sustaining grace. 

Isaiah 41:10 (NKJV): "Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand." 

Joshua 1:9 (NKJV): "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." 

Romans 8:31 (NKJV): "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?" 

1 Peter 4:14 (NKJV): "If you are reproached for the name of Christ, blessed are you, for the Spirit of glory and of God rests upon you. On their part He is blasphemed, but on your part, He is glorified." 

Matthew 10:28 (NKJV): "And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." 

These scriptures also remind us that God's presence and power are greater than any opposition we might face. They encourage us to stand firm in our faith, knowing that God will uphold us and that our steadfastness can inspire others to trust in Him as well. 

Practical Ways to Shine Your Light 

  1. Let others know – in various ways - you are a Believer. You believe in Jesus. Share how you went to watch a baptism lately for example. Or when a friend or neighbor tells you of a trial they’re going through or recent medical issue they have, tell them you will pray for them. Those are easy ways to let others know who you are and that you are a Believer without being pushy. Also see point #6. 
  1. Share Your Testimony: One of the most personal and impactful ways to share your faith is through your own story. Talk about how our Heavenly Father and his Son Jesus Christ have worked in your life and the difference they have made. 
  1. Live with Integrity: Your actions often speak louder than words. Strive to live in a way that reflects Christ's love and teachings. Be honest, kind, and compassionate in all your dealings. 
  1. Engage in Service: Show the love of Jesus Christ through acts of service. Volunteer in your community, support charitable causes, and help those in need. Consider also helping Light on the Rock by participating in our outreach programs or contributing your time and resources to our initiatives. Your involvement can make a significant impact in spreading the Gospel and introducing people to our Great God. 
  1. Invite others to come visit your church meeting. Tell them they can sit next to you. 
  1. Utilize Social Media: In today's digital age, social media is a powerful tool for sharing your faith. Post encouraging scriptures, share inspirational articles, and talk about your faith journey. Remember to share our website, It is easy to share our blogs and sermons with others, helping to spread the message far and wide. 
  1. Be Prepared to Answer Questions: People may be curious about your faith. Be ready to explain what you believe and why, always with gentleness and respect (1 Peter 3:15 (NKJV): "But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear.") If you’re not comfortable answering questions, ask if they mind if you ask a friend to help with the Bible answers. 

Being a secret Christian and hiding in the closet is not an option for those who truly follow the teachings of our Lord Jesus. We must come out of the believer’s closet! Our faith is meant to be a light that shines brightly in a world often filled with darkness. 

By living openly and authentically as Christians, we not only fulfill our calling but also are given a great responsibility to lead others to the hope and salvation found 

in Jesus. Embrace God’s call to shine. Let your life be a testament to the transformative power of Jesus Christ living his life in us. 

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The Second Passover

“The Second Passover” – 30 days after the first Passover on the 14th of Abib, which is usually in late March or early April.  I was amazed that I had not addressed this or written a blog on this topic earlier. So here it is!  In fact, I think the “2nd Passover” should be included in the cards some groups hand out listing the dates of the various key dates and holydays for the coming years.

Passover remembers the sacrifice of our Savior Jesus the Messiah – and let me add, the sacrifice of God the father also – which makes forgiveness possible. I say “the Father also”, because any loving father would gladly take a bullet for his beloved son. God CERTAINLY sacrificed so much for us in the Passover. And it was GOD’s idea. GOD who so loved the world that he sent his one and only Son to come die for us, for our sins, so we wouldn’t have to die and bear our own sins and their penalty. And of course His one life as the Son of God was more valuable than all of humanity put together, hence his one life could cover as many repentant sinners as would accept his sacrifice.

But now what happens when unavoidable circumstances force you to miss the Passover? God considers the Passover to be so important, that he allows for those who can’t keep the first date to have a second shot, 30 days later. It comes up in Numbers 9:6-12, a year after Israel left Egypt. Touching a dead body made Israelites ceremonially unclean and unable to keep the Passover.

Several Israelites could not keep Passover the year after the exodus from Egypt, because they had touched a dead body (Numbers 9:6-8; Leviticus 7:20-21). That rendered them ceremonially unclean. This deeply concerned them so they asked Moses what to do and he in turn asked God (Num. 9:8). God’s answer shows his tender love and his willingness to accept that sometimes events occur that make it impossible to do what God commands – like keeping the Passover on a certain time and date. So God allows – in this case – for an exception to the rule. (It reminds us of the “ox in the ditch” ruling that even on the weekly sabbath, some real emergencies can arise.)

So if you just cannot make the Passover because you’re away on a big, long trip, or there’s been death in the family, read the scripture below and understand: you can keep Passover, but a month after the first one. The fact that God allows us to have a second chance at Passover, shows how important it is to him.

Hallelujah and praise to our God. This second Passover is truly for those in unavoidable circumstances. Examples of this could certainly apply to those in the hospital or other clear emergencies. If a new pandemic hits us that is sweeping the globe lightning-fast, that may also be a reason to postpone for a month, if you need to meet with a group.

But remember, worshiping God in a “group” could be smaller than you might think. In the case of a pandemic,  I believe I’d just stay home with my beloved wife and the two of us would have Passover together, by ourselves. Don’t forget “Where TWO or THREE are gathered together in my name, I AM THERE in the midst of them”  (Matthew 18:20). 

So if at least two believers can keep Passover – with footwashing and eating of the Bread from heaven and sipping of his cup and all that means, by all means do it, even if it is just 2 or three of you. No, you do NOT have to have an ordained minister leading the service. In the original Passover of Exodus 12, they were family meetings led by the father of the household. They weren’t led by Levites or priests (in fact there were no priests yet at that time) 

Notice too that Christ and Paul focused on the cup as much as what was in the cup.

Drinking of his cup says you are willing to accept whatever God has in store for you as a believer and you will be true to your Savior no matter what. Of course the red wine pictures everything the Son’s blood does for us: cleanses us from our sins, forgives our sins, reconciles us to God, removes the wrath of God that is on us due to our sins, and restores our right relationship with Most Holy God.  I have a sermon that goes in depth into what the Blood of Christ does for us.

Now here’s the account of how the Second Passover came to be.

Numbers 9:1-13

Now YHVH spoke to Moses in the Wilderness of Sinai, in the first month of the second year after they had come out of the land of Egypt, saying: 2 "Let the children of Israel keep the Passover at its appointed time. 3 On the fourteenth day of this month, at twilight, you shall keep it at its appointed time. According to all its rites and ceremonies you shall keep it." 4 So Moses told the children of Israel that they should keep the Passover. 5 And they kept the Passover on the fourteenth day of the first month, at twilight, in the Wilderness of Sinai; according to all that the LORD commanded Moses, so the children of Israel did.

6 Now there were certain men who were defiled by a human corpse, so that they could not keep the Passover on that day; and they came before Moses and Aaron that day. 7 And those men said to him, "We became defiled by a human corpse. Why are we kept from presenting the offering of the Lord at its appointed time among the children of Israel?"

8 And Moses said to them, "Stand still, that I may hear what the Lord will command concerning you."

9 Then YHVH spoke to Moses, saying, 10 "Speak to the children of Israel, saying: 'If anyone of you or your posterity is unclean because of a corpse, or is far away on a journey, he may still keep the Lord's Passover.

11 On the fourteenth day of the SECOND month, at twilight, they may keep it. They shall eat it with unleavened bread and bitter herbs.

12 They shall leave none of it until morning, nor break one of its bones. According to all the ordinances of the Passover they shall keep it.

13 But the man who is clean and is not on a journey, and ceases to keep the Passover, that same person shall be cut off from among his people, because he did not bring the offering of the LORD at its appointed time; that man shall bear his sin.”

Interesting that we either let Christ bear our sin – or we bear it ourselves (verse 13).

Are there any other examples of Second Passover besides Numbers 9?  Absolutely.

Read 2 Chronicles 30 for yourself. In King Hezekiah’s day, he invited the remnants of the House of Israel who had survived the Assyrian wars and captivity, to come down to Jerusalem and turn back to God. Most of the northern Tribes laughed at the messengers, but quite a few DID respond. But time was passing and they missed the first Passover. Nonetheless, they remembered the SECOND Passover, in the second month. It was a time of jubilation and reform in Judah and for many from Ephraim and Manasseh and Zebulon from up north as well.

So they kept Passover a month later, in the second month of God’s calendar. I’ll pick up at 2 Chronicles 30:10.

2 Chronicles 30:10-22

So the runners passed from city to city through the country of Ephraim and Manasseh, as far as Zebulun; but they laughed at them and mocked them. 11 Nevertheless some from Asher, Manasseh, and Zebulun humbled themselves and came to Jerusalem. 12 Also the hand of God was on Judah to give them singleness of heart to obey the command of the king and the leaders, at the word of the LORD.

13 Now many people, a very great assembly, gathered at Jerusalem to keep the Feast of Unleavened Bread in the SECOND MONTH.

14 They arose and took away the altars that were in Jerusalem, and they took away all the incense altars and cast them into the Brook Kidron. 15 Then they slaughtered the Passover lambs on the fourteenth day of the second month. The priests and the Levites were ashamed, and sanctified themselves, and brought the burnt offerings to the house of the Lord. 16 They stood in their place according to their custom, according to the Law of Moses the man of God; the priests sprinkled the blood received from the hand of the Levites.

17 For there were many in the assembly who had not sanctified themselves; therefore the Levites had charge of the slaughter of the Passover lambs for everyone who was not clean, to sanctify them to the Lord. 18 For a multitude of the people, many from Ephraim, Manasseh, Issachar, and Zebulun, had not cleansed themselves, yet they ate the Passover contrary to what was written. But Hezekiah prayed for them, saying, "May the good Lord provide atonement for everyone 19 who prepares his heart to seek God, the Lord God of his fathers, though he is not cleansed according to the purification of the sanctuary." 20 And YHVH listened to Hezekiah and healed the people. 

21 So the children of Israel who were present at Jerusalem kept the Feast of Unleavened Bread seven days with great gladness; and the Levites and the priests praised the Lord day by day, singing to YHVH, accompanied by loud instruments. 22 And Hezekiah gave encouragement to all the Levites who taught the good knowledge of YHVH; and they ate throughout the feast seven days, offering peace offerings and making confession to the LORD God of their fathers.”

What a wonderful God we have.

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The Urgency of Daily Bible Study

By Randy Freeze, host of website “Hope of Israel Worldwide”.

In a world filled with distractions and competing voices, it's easy to lose sight of the timeless truths found in God's Word. Yet, now more than ever, we need to prioritize daily Bible study so we can navigate the complexities of modern life and heed the warnings God has given us. Let's explore why daily Bible study is essential for Christians today, drawing wisdom and guidance from Scripture itself.

Perhaps this could help too: Think of prayer as us talking to God. And think of the Bible -  called the Word of God – as God and Messiah talking to us when we do Bible study! Bible study is one of the ways God speaks to us. When we want to do more Bible study, it shows God we are eager to listen to him speak to us. Before even beginning your Bible study, invite God to speak to you.

Understanding God's Warnings:

Scripture is filled with warnings from God, urging us to turn from sin and follow His ways. In Ezekiel 33:7-9 (NKJV), God speaks to Ezekiel, saying:

"So you, son of man: I have made you a watchman for the house of Israel; therefore you shall hear a word from My mouth and warn them for Me. When I say to the wicked, 'O wicked man, you shall surely die!' and you do not speak to warn the wicked from his way, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood I will require at your hand. Nevertheless, if you warn the wicked to turn from his way, and he does not turn from his way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul."

We normally think those called to be Watchmen would be prophets, pastors, and speakers, but certainly we all have been called to be God’s lights in the world, letting the light of Christ shine through us. Jesus is the light of the world (John 8:12), and when he comes into us, HIS light shines through us. Let His light in you be strong. Studying his Word helps that connection be strong.

As Believers, we are called to be God’s lights in a darkened world (Matthew 5:14-16; Ephesians 5:8, 14), diligently studying God's Word and sharing His Way, his teachings and even his warnings with others. Daily Bible study enables us to discern God's voice amidst the noise of the world and respond faithfully to His call.


Strengthening Our Faith:

In addition to warning us of the consequences of sin, Scripture also serves to strengthen our faith and equip us for the challenges we face.  Read carefully what Paul writes us in 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (NKJV):

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work."

By immersing ourselves in God's Word daily, we are equipped with the knowledge and wisdom needed to live lives that honor and glorify Him. Through Scripture, we gain insight into His character, His promises, and His will for our lives, empowering us to walk in obedience and trust.

Think of the Bible as God’s bread from heaven, Jesus Christ in print.  And we are to live by every word of God. We know God gave Israel manna in the desert. When were they to gather manna? First thing in the day, every day except Sabbath, before the day got hot and melted the manna. We too should apply the command to “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness” – and then all the things that occupy us will be taken care of (Matthew 6:33).

So we gather our “manna” – our Bible study – every day, first thing and early in the day as much as possible. That may mean making some changes in our schedule so we can get up early enough to do it. Let’s make Bible study and prayer our top priorities. We make time for whatever we feel is truly important.

Navigating the Modern World:

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, daily Bible study provides us with a firm foundation amidst the shifting sands of culture and opinion. God’s word – the Bible -- should be lighting up our path in life.  Psalm 119:105 (NKJV), the psalmist declares:

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path."

As we study God's Word each day, we are guided by His truth and wisdom, enabling us to discern right from wrong and make decisions that align with His will. In a world where moral relativism abounds, the Bible serves as our unchanging compass, directing our steps and illuminating the path ahead.


In conclusion, the urgency of daily Bible study cannot be overstated. In God's Word, we find His warnings, encouragement, and guidance we need to navigate the complexities of modern life and live faithfully as His followers. Let us commit ourselves afresh – without delay or procrastination -- to the discipline of daily Bible study, drawing near to God and allowing His Word to transform our hearts and minds. As we heed His warnings and follow His ways, may we shine as lights in the darkness, pointing others to the hope found in Christ alone.

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Are we FAITHFUL in LITTLE things too?

This is a very important topic, as we get ready for the kingdom of God to be set up on earth relatively soon. Will you be there? And if so, in what capacity?

As we come to Christ, and let him live in us, and face and tackle our sinful flesh, realize the change has to be total. Jesus teaches that one way He and Father look at our reliability is that we are reliable, faithful, trusted even in what we might consider to be just little things.

But the way people treat so-called “little things” shows their character.

What things are “no big deal” to you? Or we also say, “not a biggie”, to use a couple of expressions. There certainly are some things that truly are not a big deal but a surprising number of things we say or feel are no big deal might be a big deal to God. Why? Because it shows our heart.

If we’re faithful in little, God will reward us. If you’re not, you won’t be rewarded. I’m not necessarily talking about being saved – but being rewarded. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ, and as we read in Eph 2:8-9 we have already been saved, and it is finalized if we endure to the very end. But though we’re not saved by our deeds, big and small, we ARE rewarded by our deeds, big and small.

Read these carefully:

Luke 16:10

He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much; and he who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.” 

Luke 19:17-19

And he said to him, 'Well done, good servant; because you were faithful in a very little, have authority over ten cities.'  18 And the second came, saying, 'Master, your mina has earned five minas.'  19 Likewise he said to him, 'You also be over five cities.'   [These are definitely rewards]

Matthew 25:20-21

"So he who had received five talents came and brought five other talents, saying, 'Lord, you delivered to me five talents; look, I have gained five more talents besides them.' 

21 His lord said to him, 'Well done, good and faithful servant; you were faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things. Enter into the joy of your lord.'

What are “little things” to you?

  • We might always be kind and respectful to people outside our home but maybe not so kind and respectful to our wife or husband or children. “They’re just kids. It’s not a big deal” – we might falsely reason. But that’s an example of a “little thing” that God is watching.
  • How well do you keep sabbath? Or is it not a big deal to not be ready for sabbath properly? Or to be vacuuming your home still a few minutes into the sabbath… but you’re almost done. What do you do on sabbath because those things are not a big deal, are just a little thing to you?
  • Truthfulness little white lies. We even call them “little”, not a big thing… but a lie is a lie. There’s so much lying that goes on so we never know if we’re being told 100% the truth – or a lie. In turning in reports, are your reports 100% the truth? Watch this one. It’s so easy to lie but hardly notice it.
  • Are we considerate of the needs of others? It’s polite when calling someone to first ask, “Did I catch you at a bad time? Or can you talk for a little while?” That’s a little thing that shows a deeply loving heart.
  • One I have to do better at: being on time for appointments and meetings. Certainly for church services or conference calls, don’t be late. Don’t make others wait for you to arrive. Don’t make GOD wait for you to arrive. Yes, I have to be better at this too. Being on time – meaning you arrive a few minutes earlier – means a lot to everyone. Habitually being late means you don’t care how your late arrival is impacting others. It’s inconsiderate. It’s not being like God. Being late for a dinner or meal being put on for you can spoil the host’s dinner! Don’t do it. It’s more than just a “little thing”. 
  • Those of you in Kenya and Tanzania who submit sabbath reports: that’s not a little thing. Submitting those reports on time, not late, shows God you’ll also be faithful in much. We have to chase down some of you to get your reports in at all, let alone on time! I personally read every word, check your sermonettes and sermons and prayer requests, etc. Your reports often lead me to bow my head in prayer for you for specific requests. So send those in, as I ask God to bless those of you needing blessings. In fact, this very article would be a good sermonette for you guys to use as well.
  • Have you ever taken the time to learn the name of a custodian cleaning out the bathroom in a store or work place, and tell her how much you appreciate how she keeps the place so sparkling clean. Last time I said that, the lady was amazed, and may have even been a bit emotional as she said, “No one has ever said such a nice thing to me. Thank you. It means so much to me.”

Doing such a thing shows your converted spirit-filled heart.  That “little thing” action – showed God a lot. He notes that.  

At the same token, when we’re not being served well, or have to wait in line or online for a long time before we get any service, how are we with the person on the other end when they’re finally talking again?  Oh, I’ve blown this one too many times in the past but am praying for a new godly way of not taking out my frustrations on the man or woman on the other end. Be kind. Be patient. Be sweet. Be faithful in little – so God can trust us with much.

  • Trash. Do you EVER throw your trash out your car window? If you’re a baptized child of God, shame on you. Do you see trash on your street as you walk around your block? Pick it up, throw it away. Or pick up stuff lying on the floor where you work. Pick it up. These are little things that show a big heart.
  • How well do you follow rules? Government rules, speed limits, stopping fully at stop signs, following your pastor’s instructions at church. Not cheating on your income tax – not even one dollar.
  • Gossip. That’s not a little thing. Too many of God’s children still talk about others in negative ways. Sing the praises of God’s children instead.
  • We know better – I hope – than to commit adultery for example… but do we push the limit by staring too long where our eyes should not be on an immodestly undressed woman? Or is that just a little thing to you? And ladies, a little thing to you perhaps, but are you showing cleavage or thigh that can cause lusts to rise up in your brothers in God’s family - - who see you in that blouse or those hot pants or short skirt? Would you dress immodestly like that if you knew Jesus was coming to see you? Would you? Well, Jesus IS seeing you! He’s IN your brothers.

So it’s not just a little thing. Immodest dress can cause a serious lust and sin in the men around you. At the beach – are you following the latest trends, ladies, and exposing your entire bottom and most of your skin? Don’t. That’s not even just a little thing.  But even in God’s church services, dressing immodestly is happening more and more. Let’s wake up and be faithful in little things!

  • One thing I really want to zero in on much more in my own life: my body and my health. Our body is the residence, the dwelling of God’s HOLY SPIRIT. In fact Father and Yeshua/Jesus are IN me and IN you (John 14:23). What kind of temple are we providing for their dwelling? Are we clean, modest, eating healthy food, exercising, and getting enough sleep?

I’m NOT referring to those of you who have been in bad accidents  

or who are getting old and infirm or are paralyzed and can’t do much for their bodies or health. I’m talking to those of us who can exercise, can move, can decide what we put into our mouths.

  • WORRYING. Jesus commands us not to worry. It means we think we are facing a problem too big for God. Worrying is not a little problem. Worrying has to stop. Instead, learn to thank God IN all our concerns (Phil 4:6-7) and FOR all our trials and all things (Eph 5:20).

ARE you getting the point? Examples of “just a little thing” -- can be endless. 

Be faithful in little things and God will be able to know how well you’ll handle the big things He has in mind for you.

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Brothers don’t use titles

If you were the actual flesh and blood half-brother of Jesus Christ (same mother, different father), and you were introducing yourself to others, how would you introduce yourself? James – who wrote the epistle of James, was such a brother. The other James – the brother of John, was martyred remember (Acts 12:1-3).

Here’s what he said. Unlike the epistles written by Paul and Peter – he doesn’t even bother mentioning that he also is an apostle.

James 1:1   “James, a bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ, To the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad: Greetings.” 

WOW! “I’m just a bondservant of my Lord Jesus the Messiah!” Several translations take the word “bondservant’ and simply say “SLAVE of God and the Lord Jesus Christ” – as in the LEGACY translation, Holman and New Living Translation.

Here’s someone who was born from the same mother as Jesus was, and who is an apostle and leader of the Jerusalem Headquarters church – but all he says about himself is – “I am a SLAVE of God and of our Master Jesus the Messiah.” 

He didn’t focus on his titles or “qualifications” at all, except being a slave of his half-brother. 

James had another brother who was also half-brother to Jesus (they had a different father). That brother was JUDE. Notice how Jude also starts HIS letter. 

Jude 1  “Jude, a bondservant of Jesus Christ, and brother of James, To those who are called, sanctified by God the Father, and preserved in Jesus Christ…”

I love this. He also is the SLAVE or servant of Jesus Christ. He also doesn’t add “and brother of Jesus.” No, he only mentions he is the brother of James. He also became an apostle like his brother. But no mention even of their titles from either one of them.

In your church, perhaps you all call your pastor by some title like “Pastor,” or “Elder.” Or if they were to write an email to someone, they’d feel they must sign off as Elder so-and-so, or Pastor so-and-so. 

I bring all this up because we have decided in Light on the Rock that we shouldn’t call members of our own family – including leaders in the church, our spiritual family -- by big titles.

My physical brother is Loren. I don’t call him by some big title. Just simply Loren. He simply calls me Philip. And when I sign off on an email or note to anyone in our fellowship, I’m simply Philip. When I write to our pastors in Kenya, I simply use their first name. I’ve instructed them that even in Church services, all the brethren are simply to refer to them also by just their first name. That’s what Jesus taught. That’s the example we have throughout the New Testament as we’ll see.

But somehow, it’s become the norm in many congregations and churches to call the church pastor by some title – Elder so-and-so, or Pastor so-and-so or Bishop, Overseer, Apostle, Coordinator, or people will at least refer to their leader, regardless of his age, as “Mr. so-and so” – ostensibly to show respect.

When Paul spoke of the other leaders in the church – Peter, James and John and other apostles, he simply referred to them as Peter, James, John, Barnabas, Apollos. He usually used no titles when referring to them. So why do we? When Luke wrote the Book of Acts, he simply used their first names also, not big titles. So why do we think we have to have even our older brethren refer to even a young church pastor as Mr. so-and-so when he’s hardly 30 or 35 years old, or even younger? Where are the scriptures to support that?

If anything, Jesus tells us NOT to be called “rabbi” or “father” in a religious way. So why do Catholics refer to their priest as “Father” this or that. Let’s read what our Savior said. The context is warning his disciples about the way the religious leaders of their day – the Scribes and Pharisees liked to be treated and addressed.

Matthew 23:6-12   “They love the best places at feasts, the best seats in the synagogues,  7 greetings in the marketplaces, and to be called by men, 'Rabbi, Rabbi.' 

8 But you, do NOT be called 'Rabbi'; for One is your Teacher, the Christ, and you are all BRETHREN.

9 Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven.

10 And do not be called Teachers; for One is your Teacher, the Christ.

11 But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.

12 And whoever exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” 

Read and re-read that please until you have resolved to obey Jesus. DO NOT call someone “Teacher, Father, or Rabbi” – because you’re all brothers! I hope you Catholics and Jews are reading this too. You’re all family members. And we don’t call family members by titles – titles that belong frankly, HE says, either to him (Jesus/Yeshua) or to our Father in heaven. And so I tell our ministers I work with: “cut out the use of titles when you send emails. Don’t let yourselves be addressed by religious titles. Just use your first name. We’re all brothers and sisters. Speak as if that is what you are.”

Titles tend to elevate someone’s opinion of themselves. So he concludes that section by reminding his disciples to stay low – like a servant or slave, just like James and Jude did. I’ve seen those trying to exalt themselves just end up demoted or outright removed. Jesus was a perfect Servant Leader. He did lead. He did show the way, but he also constantly found ways to serve others – he healed the sick, fed the hungry, and encouraged the downtrodden. That’s our example.

Father” – of course we can call our earthly fathers our father. And symbolically, Paul even called himself the father of some congregations, but he didn’t tell anyone to call him “father,’ like Catholic priests do. The priests in Catholicism wield extraordinary power. As one Catholic told me, “they can consign you to hell, if they wish.”  True or not, it conveys the power they wield. The ONLY One we should call “Holy Father” is God Most High, Father of Jesus Christ and our father. NO MAN should ever be called “holy father.”

This also applies to the many other titles we find in churches, especially the Catholic Church. Vicar of Christ. Cardinal (meaning the main one).

Rabbi” – means “teacher.”  Jesus also tells us to call no one “rabbi” except himself (Matt.23:8). The “rabbis” loved being called the teacher. Many of us ministers can fall into that way of thinking. ALL our teaching must come from THE Teacher, Yeshua. HE is the ONE Teacher overall (v. 10).

What about respect for their office? Shouldn’t we exalt them with titles like “elder,” “Pastor” or even “Mr.”? 

Using a title is not what grants respect. Respect for someone comes from the way they live, interact with people, run their ministry, with loving kindness and patience and being led by the Holy spirit. 

I first wrote a blog on this topic in 2011. IN there I also remind readers that there are in fact elders, teachers and shepherds in the church. They were put into the Body of Christ for the perfecting of the saints and for the work of ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12) Positions in the Body of Christ are functions, they’re there for a reason. We all have different functions (Romans 12:4-5), and yet we are all part of the body of Christ. He’s the Head, the Chief Shepherd, the Leader.

We respect and honor them – but not any more than we would a widow or orphan. All with God’s spirit are members of the body of Christ and deserve respect – without needing a fancy title. We all are the holy sanctuary of God’s spirit. 

In the end, it’s vital we simply obey Jesus’ commands. He said to cut out the

titles and focus instead on serving one another. Read Luke 22:26-30.

Luke 22:24-27  “Now there was also a dispute among them, as to which of them should be considered the greatest. 25 And He said to them, "The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them, and those who exercise authority over them are called 'benefactors.'  26 But not so among you; on the contrary, he who is greatest among you, let him be as the younger, and he who governs as he who serves. 27 For who is greater, he who sits at the table, or he who serves? Is it not he who sits at the table? Yet I am among you as the One who serves.”

He goes on to explain  in verses 28-30, that when we learn this in this life, he can trust us with truly great positions he will give us in his kingdom. 

Luke 22:28-30  "But you are those who have continued with Me in My trials. 29 And I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me,  30 that you may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel."

We remember Jesus’ words: you are brethren, all part of God’s family. Brothers and sisters just call each other by first name, nothing more. We don’t focus on title but on serving and loving one another. So if you see me as your brother, I’m simply Philip. Nothing more.

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WHY we must understand Wave Sheaf Day 

Wavesheaf day is not a holyday but is explained in Leviticus 23. I have many sermons and blogs which go into far more detail about Wavesheaf Day, always in between the two regular weekly sabbath days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. 

Most church groups I know omit or barely mention Wavesheaf day. In 2024, it is on April 28. It always falls on the first day of the week, or “Sunday”. This blog is to simply give you a very broad view of this day. It’s not a holy day. There is no appointed church time, there’s no church services, no church assembly. It’s not a “moed” – or a divine appointment with God. 

So what is it? In its most simple form, it’s the day when Messiah rose from the tomb and on the first day of the week, as He told Mary Magdalene, “I must go to my Father and your Father; to my God and your God” (John 20:17). So He did. But WHY did Yeshua/Jesus have to go to his Father on this day? 

The very firstfruits of the barley harvest was ready to be presented to God for approval, so the barley harvest could proceed. But first the harvest had to be shown to God so he could approve it. The firstfruits barley pictured Jesus. Once he went to heaven after his resurrection, and was accepted and approved by God the Father, He was ALSO being accepted on behalf of the rest of the harvest. ON behalf of the rest of us! We are also called firstfruits (James 1:18), but Christ is the first of the first fruits of barley. 

We are firstfruits in the sense of the first harvests of the land of Israel. The rest of the harvest continues all year long – but the early harvest of barley and even the spring/Summer wheat was considered first fruits. God will harvest the rest of his crops later, BUT each in his own order, starting with Christ the first fruits (1 Cor. 15:23, 20-25). Right now God is entirely focused on those He is calling now. NOT everyone is being called now to have that special intimate relationship with God the Father right now. And we can’t just decide all that ourselves. 

Jesus said no one can come to the Father except through Him (John 14:6). And no one could come to Christ even, unless the Father first calls him/her first (John 6:44). 

Jesus as the first of the firstfruits had to be presented to God, be accepted on behalf of the REST of the harvest [those being called now], and then the harvest continues. 

Leviticus 23:9-11 And YHVH spoke to Moses, saying, 10 "Speak to the children of Israel, and say to them: 'When you come into the land which I give to you, and reap its harvest, then you shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest to the priest. 11 He shall wave the sheaf before the Lord, to be accepted on your behalf; on the day after the Sabbath the priest shall wave it.” 

All the details are in the sermon and in the notes in the link below here. It wasn’t stalks of grain that the high Priest was “waving” – but a bowl of fine flour from the early barley. Read it all in the notes below. 

You’ll notice it’s also on the “day after the sabbath” – so it’s always on a Sunday. 

SO how do I observe Wavesheaf Day? 

At 9 a.m., when that ceremony was taking place 2,000 years ago, Christ rose to heaven to be accepted and to return the same day. So at 9 a.m. on the Sunday between the two weekly sabbaths, my wife and I have a short but very thankful prayer of thanksgiving to our heavenly father and to Yeshua/Jesus. Why? 

Because – due to their profound love for you and for me, I – yes, even I with my past faults and sins, can be found to be ACCEPTED. HOW? By that special first sheaf – who was Christ. HE is now our life as Paul teaches over and over – especially in Col 3:3-4, Gal. 2:20. 

I can now know that in spite of my human weaknesses, shortcomings and stumbles into sin, God has accepted me IN Christ. You can be assured joyfully of this too! Quit the depression caused by constantly wondering if you’re able to be accepted or not. God has accepted you. You’ve been qualified, because of the perfect life of Jesus, GIFTED to us by faith. Start experiencing the JOY of salvation, knowing you’re being saved and have been saved – by God’s favor and grace (Eph 2:8-9). Here are the scriptures: 

Ephesians 2:5-9 

“even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 7 that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. 

8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is The GIFT OF GOD, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast.” 

The Messiah Jesus, the Anointed One, is now my life and yours by faith. 

Colossians 3:3-4 

“For YOU died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God

4 When Christ who is our life appears, then you also will appear with Him in glory.” 

We are human flesh and we still fail spiritually ourselves. But IN Christ, who is our life, we now have been ACCEPTED. Read verse 6 below over and over until you believe and know that means even you. 

Ephesians 1:4-6 

“just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before Him in love, 5 having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 

6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which HE made US ACCEPTED in the Beloved.” 

God has also qualified us for the kingdom of His dear son: 

Colossians 1:12-14 

“giving thanks to the Father who has qualified us to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in the light. 13 He has delivered us from the power of darkness and conveyed us into the kingdom of the Son of His love, 14 in whom we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins.” 

We’re accepted – in the Beloved! 

If you struggle with this concept of being accepted by God it’s because you keep trying to focus on what you’re doing, instead of on what Jesus did already and has done for you … AND continues to do IN you. It’s HIS work in you. He lives in you again, as He lived the first time: perfectly in the spirit. But we keep looking to our flesh and see failure. God is looking at our spirit, where Christ is. HIS spirit merges with our spirit to make ONE NEW SPIRIT (1 Cor. 16:17). 

So get this -- because God Most High accepted Christ as the firstfruits, we are also now accepted through Christ. Read these verses below in your own Bible. God’s view of your righteousness is NOT going to be because of how righteous YOU are, but because of how righteous Jesus is, and because of the faith we have in HIM. You came under his blood, s0 He paid the highest possible price for YOU. That price? His very own life as the perfect Son of God. He bought you, and you are now a part of HIS body. 

Romans 3:21-26 The Righteousness of God is revealed through faith in Jesus on all and to all who believe – to demonstrate HIS righteousness. 

Romans 5:15-19 – shows us the GIFT of God’s righteousness. We can’t earn a gift. Therefore there can be no condemnation on us, because we are in Christ and he certainly can’t be condemned (Rom 8:1-4). 

2 Cor. 5:21 – we become the righteousness of God in Christ. 

Phil. 3:9 – we want to “be found in Him, NOT having our OWN righteousness from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith.” 

You will never feel settled but always wondering if you’re going to “make it” into the kingdom or not, until you learn this topic strongly. When you really learn it deeply, you will experience the deep, deep JOY of knowing you are saved, the JOY of salvation in Christ, for us, in us, and on our behalf. 

Wavesheaf Day is all about us being accepted because God had already accepted Jesus on our behalf (Lev 23:10-11). 

Hallelujah. Praise Yah! 

Again, if you wish to learn more details, check the full sermon link I gave you earlier. 

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The Price of Forgiveness

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This blog is by R. Herbert, a good friend, minister and former AC classmate of Philip Shields, who has a wonderful website full of lots of great information:

It might seem strange to talk of putting a price on forgiveness, yet that is exactly what Jesus did in his parable* of the unmerciful servant (Matthew 18:21-35).   In that parable Jesus painted a detailed word picture of a king’s servant who owed the ruler ten thousand “talents” (vs. 24).

A talent was not a unit of currency, but a unit of weight. The NIV translates this verse “ten thousand bags of gold,” but it is far more likely that silver would have been the precious metal involved in the transaction, as even ten thousand talents of silver would represent an almost unimaginably large amount.  In fact, ten thousand talents of silver would be too large to have normally been a personal debt.  The word “servant” Matthew uses could refer to a king’s high-ranking servant who had control of massive amounts of money as part of his work.

By contrast, the second servant in the parable who owed the king’s servant money was doubtless a far less powerful individual who had borrowed “one hundred denarii” (KJV “a hundred pennies,” NIV “a hundred silver coins”).  We read in the parable that the servant who owed a huge amount that was forgiven was himself unwilling to forgive the individual who owed him a much smaller debt.

To get a true sense of the relative amounts Jesus spoke of, notice that in another parable –  that of the men working in the vineyard (Matthew 20:1-16) –  Matthew specifically tells us that an acceptable rate of pay for a laboring man was one denarius per day (vs. 1, etc.).  So, the debt of the minor servant who owed the king’s servant 100 denarii was the equivalent of a hundred days pay – some four months of wages calculated on a regular workweek – and certainly not a small amount.

But to get a sense of the debt for which the king’s servant was responsible, we must realize that a “talent” was equal to approximately 6,000 denarii in value, so that debt equaled ten thousand times about six thousand days pay for an average laborer –  some 60 million days or 200 thousand years pay at 300 workdays per year – based on talents of silver, not gold.

So the price of the forgiveness given by the king to his servant in Christ’s parable was an astronomically high one –  far beyond the realm of any possibility of being repaid.  But it is easy to think that this parable was simply teaching that our neighbor’s spiritual debts to us are far less than what we “owe” God as a debt of forgiveness, but while that is true, the parable has greater depth than that.

Clearly, the king in the parable represents God, and the king’s servant represents us as debtors to God through our sin, while the minor servant represents those who are “indebted” to us through sins against us. But we should remember that the amount owed by the minor servant –  a hundred days’ pay –  was not a trivial amount. It is important to realize that Christ was not downplaying the “debts” or sins of others against us –  rather his parable admits that those who sin against us may indeed sin to a substantial degree, leaving us significantly hurt.

But the parable also puts that hurt in perspective by showing that the astronomically high debt we have incurred through our own cumulative sins far outweighs whatever sin may have been committed against us – no matter how bad it was.  As it is given in Christ’s example, the story shows a ratio of one million to one – the sins of others against us represent one millionth of our own sins against God.  That is why Jesus ended his parable by saying that the unmerciful servant was severely punished by the king, and   by saying “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart” (vs. 35).  

Ultimately, however, Jesus’ parable is not about numbers or balance sheets.  Its primary message, of course, is that we ought to forgive as our King has forgiven us. And we should not forget the context in which the parable was given.  Matthew makes it clear that Jesus told this story in response to Peter asking how many times we should forgive those who sin against us: “Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?” Jesus answered, “I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times. Therefore, the kingdom of heaven is like a king… (Matthew 18:21-23, emphasis added).

According to Jesus’ answer to Peter’s question, the forgiveness given to us is extravagant both in amount and in repetition, and finally it is extravagant in terms of the attitude with which the forgiveness is given.  True forgiveness, Jesus tells us, is so extravagant that it cannot be repaid; it is so extensive that it does not run out in our lifetime; and it is so truly meant from the heart that no price can really be placed on it. ​

*Download our free e-book on the Parables of Jesus  here.

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Correctly understand eating unleavened bread

(This article is an updated version of one I wrote a year ago).

Let me get right to the point. Over the many years in the Church of God and its subsequent branches, I was taught – and I even taught – this about unleavened bread:

**  Leavening pictures sin like malice and wickedness (1 Cor. 5:6-8) as well as false doctrine (Matthew 16:6-12) and so that is why we put it out. (True, but leavening can also picture God’s kingdom that spreads! Matthew 13:33).

**  Then when talking about eating UNLEAVENED bread, it is believed that this pictures our new life committed to obedience and being free from sin.

All that can be true. But it’s not complete. It’s dangerously incomplete, in fact. 

When you deleavened your home, and men – I hope you helped a lot and led the family in this – you threw OUT and disposed of all leavened breads, crackers, cookies, etc. because there was no way to salvage any of it. We couldn’t pick the leaven out of the bread. We could only throw it out – and then we all had to REPLACE it all with brand new unleavened bread that you either made at home or bought matzah from an outside store.

What did the leavened bread you threw out picture? 

The right answer:  It pictures our old carnal selves, not just sin itself, but how we had sin in our lives and were sinners. Leavened bread pictures US. Yes, Christ died for our sins and our Father in heaven forgave us. But then we still stumble in sin, perhaps even daily, even during the days of Unleavened bread. Sinning is no longer our way of life, but we still stumble in sin, as even Paul says in Rom.7:15-20. Please read it carefully.

So we remind ourselves that we must continually be putting out, not just sins, but our sinful old self. We must be totally surrendering to God in every facet of our lives so we can call Jesus our Lord. So the leavening we throw out pictures – US. Not just sin generally, but “US”.  And this is why Paul would say in Galatians 2:20 that he is crucified with Christ. Paul wanted his old self tied down and killed – with Christ.

When you were throwing out your leavened products, did you realize all that leavening pictured – YOU? Your old self; what Paul calls “the old man”? It pictured you giving up the old ways of unrighteousness.

After throwing out the old sinful way pictured by leaven, we go out and buy or bake fresh UNLEAVENED bread that had never been in our homes before. It was brand new. It had no connection to the discarded leavened products. It’s a new product that NEVER had any leavening in it. That’s key.

Sin is defined as breaking God’s law (1 John 3:4), for failing to do the good things we should have done (James 4:17), going against our conscience, doing things “not of faith” (Romans 14:23). All unrighteousness is sin (1 John 5:17). We repent of what we ARE – a sinner, as the tax collector did (Luke 18:12-14).

So the Unleavened Bread does not and cannot picture US because there’s still sin in our lives we need to repent of, daily. True unleavened bread has never had any leaven in it. It doesn’t even picture us as we try to keep sin out of our lives because as Paul admits in Romans 7, we all still stumble in sin. UNLEAVENED bread has to picture something more, and someone far greater than you and me. 

Unleavened Bread pictures the One, and the only One, who DID keep sin totally out of his life. HE is the Unleavened Bread of God. HE is the manna, the bread of heaven, from God (John 6:48-51 please read it). He and he alone. This is why Yeshua said, “this is MY body, broken for you.” (Matthew 26:26). The unleavened bread of Passover AND during the days of unleavened bread picture HIS body, HIS life; not mine, not yours.

So far, are you with me? Leavened bread pictures us who still stumble in sin. Each year, we remind ourselves that there are still vestiges of sinful habits and ways of thinking we have to cast out as we cleanse the temple of God, which is our body (1 Cor. 3:16-17).

The unleavened bread pictures Yeshua. Surely it has to, for that’s what Yeshua said – “This is MY body…,” and what Paul echoes in 1 Cor. 11:23-25. It pictures us taking in Christ’s life. The old sinful self – pictured by leavened bread – we threw out. We eat of it, in remembrance of HIM. We focus on Christ now in the new covenant more than on coming out of Egypt. And we don’t focus on ourselves trying to get sin out of our lives by ourselves.

Let me say again: we don’t try to take the leavening out of already leavened products. We can’t. We throw them out. They are not able to be unleavened. They must be replaced. 

In the same way, we must die to this world and its way. We must be crucified with Christ. We cannot – we cannot ourselves make ourselves righteous enough to be acceptable to the “be ye therefore perfect/complete” standard Yeshua/Jesus laid out for us (Matthew 5:48).

We have to eat the unleavened bread that pictures the NEW life, the new bread of our Messiah Jesus Christ. We put out malice and wickedness, remember, and take on sincerity and truth. WHO is the Truth? It is Yeshua/Jesus!

1 Corinthians 5:6-8  “Your glorying is not good. Do you not know that a little leaven leavens the whole lump? 7 Therefore throw out the old leaven, that you may be a NEW lump, since you truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our Passover, was sacrificed for us. 8 Therefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, nor with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and TRUTH”.

Corinthians – truly are unleavened? Each chapter is about another one of their corporate sins, one after the other. The only way they were unleavened was through Christ, sacrificed for them and who is sincerity and TRUTH. You cannot take leaven out of an already leavened product. Our old self is leavened. We can’t perfect it. It has to be thrown out and we have to accept the NEW UNLEAVENED, SINLESS life of Christ. And HE, by his one offering, we are told in Hebrews 10:14 – “has perfected forever those who are being sanctified.”

So the Unleavened Bread does not picture our perfection by us taking each little and big sin out of our lives – but pictures us accepting the forever sinless perfection of Christ’s life now to replace our old life.

In 2 Cor. 5:17 that Paul tells us that in Christ we are A NEW CREATION – like the new unleavened bread you bake or buy that had never existed before in your life. We cannot make ourselves a new creation. The Creator of our NEW CREATION is – guess who? Is GOD through Christ, just like the original creation.

2 Corinthians 5:17-19  “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 18 Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation, 19 that is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation.”

Paul goes on after saying all of this is made possible by God. “Now all things are of God.” God’s perfection and righteousness is credited to us as his gift (Romans 5:17; as we accept the justification that is by faith – Romans 5:1)

2 Corinthians 5:21  “For He made Him who knew no sin to be sin for us, that WE might become the righteousness of GOD in Him.”

And so now we can come boldly before the throne of God’s favor or grace. HOW? Is it because we have become so good now, though we still stumble in sin? No! We come boldly through the blood and pierced flesh of our Savior (Hebrews 10:19). God will remember our sins no more (Heb. 10:17)

Hebrews 10:19-23 –Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, 21 and having a High Priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water.

Don’t misunderstand me. Now once we have partaken of our Savior we must, of course, fight sin viciously and keep ourselves from intentional sin, willful sin, which is seen very seriously by our God.

Hebrews 10:26-27   “For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, 27 but a certain fearful expectation of judgment, and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries”.

As we focus on Christ, we become more and more in his image (2 Cor. 3:17-18). We copy Him, follow him (1 Cor. 11:1) and we let HIS mind become ours. Christ himself is now our new life – Colossians 3:1-4.

So the UNLEAVENED BREAD we eat does NOT picture US primarily. It is NOT about our lives that are now free from the penalty of sin, but we still sometimes sin (leaven) as Paul says in Romans 7:15-17. Though you may not consume any leavened products during the week of unleavened bread , I doubt any of us can claim to have not sinned at all during those seven days. Apostle Paul, as you know in Romans 7, still admitted to stumbles of sin that he hated.

Paul even goes on to make a differentiation between his old carnal sinful fleshly self – and the new creation Paul. In fact Paul says in Romans 7:16-20 that NOW when he sinned, it was not really himself sinning. It wasn’t the new Paul—no,  it was “Sin that dwells in me” that was doing the sinning.

Romans 7:15-17  “but what I hate, that I do. 16 If, then, I do what I will not to do, I agree with the law that it is good. 17 But now, it is no longer I who do it, but sin that dwells in me.”

Paul differentiates between the old carnal self that we still have – alongside the new creation of God in Christ, that we now have as well. These 2 fight each other and fight they must. But the UNLEAVENED bread is Yeshua, our Messiah. Each day we eat of it, we are asking God to let Christ BE our new life, and that we follow his guidance and look more and more like HIM.

Our entire life before Christ had been leavened, in other words. We can’t keep any of it. It all has to go – just like your bread, cookies, and crackers. Once a life is leavened, you cannot deleaven it, any more than you can deleaven already leavened bread. A leavened LIFE – which is really what all this pictures – has to be cast out and rejected just like we do leavened bread.

Even GOD has to start with a new creation in us. A once-leavened life cannot be deleavened. It has to be replaced. It is replaced by the life of Christ alive in each of us. So I need a new life pictured by new bread that is unleavened: Yeshua himself.

But my new self is NOT me, trying to qualify for God’s kingdom in my efforts to overcome and defeat sin. In fact, remember that the days of Unleavened Bread come BEFORE the giving of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost. Imagine claiming you could have any victory over sin without the holy spirit! My old me failed. So did yours. We need something – or Someone – PERFECT, without ANY sin at any time, ever (Hebrews 4:15).

Are you seeing the difference? It’s ALL about Yeshua. ALL about him and how he perfectly obeyed his Father, and our Father.

I eat unleavened bread to remind me that I have to take in Jesus Christ my Savior day after day. We become what we eat. In this season, let’s FEAST on our Messiah. I don’t eat matzah to remind me I no longer sin – because you and I still do. I eat matzah during Passover week – and figuratively the rest of my life – because I need HIM living in me from now on. 

When our Savior handed out the pieces of matzah to the disciples, he does NOT say “Eat this, as this pictures the new you trying your best to ‘make it’ and to finally be good enough to be allowed into the kingdom.” No!           

Yeshua said, “Eat this bread, for this is MY LIFE broken for you. Drink of my cup, for this is MY BLOOD of the new covenant” that he SHED for us (Matt. 26:26-29). Life is in the blood. It’s all about him. “Do this in remembrance of ME,” He said several times (Luke 22:19; 1 Cor. 11:24-25).

I know you know that, but I still keep hearing and reading an emphasis on the unleavened matzah picturing each of US successfully fighting sin. But even just ONE sin makes us a sinner, right? Even one lustful or overly angry thought makes you and me a sinner, right?

Yes, we have to fight sin. Yes, we have to be Christian soldiers fighting the good fight of faith (1 Tim 6:12). Yes, we have to put on the whole armor of God. All of that is in context that we must “be strong in the Lord and in the power of HIS might” (Eph 6:10).

Unleavened bread does not picture us defeating sin. It’s much more perfect than that. Unleavened bread pictures CHRIST living in me and crushing sin and being my new life. Father sees HIS life, HIS righteousness covering me. As you eat unleavened bread, don’t leave Christ out of your thoughts: you’re picturing HIM.

As you eat unleavened bread, think of it as you pursuing the Messiah, seeking to be with him, learning what it means to abide in him. As you eat unleavened bread, invite him to BE the new you, PERFECTLY at one with Him, prepared to be His Bride. Invite him to cleanse the temple of your body of anything unpleasing to Father. Dwell in him. Invite him and Father to dwell in you.

And this is why you and I must eat unleavened bread each and all 7 days of the Feast. We simply cannot live perfectly enough without it being HIM and HIS righteousness all the time, 7 days a week living as our new life.

To him be all the glory and praise. Amen.

*** ***

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Who REALLY killed Christ? (NOT who you think)

Reposted April 2024 from Thursday, March 2, 2023

Almost nobody to whom I ask this question – “who really ultimately was responsible for killing Jesus?” – almost no one ever gets it completely right. Do you think you would get it right? You might be surprised. For almost everyone, it’s not who anyone thinks. Be ready to be surprised. This is not a trick question. But it’s amazing how few people get it right. If you think I’m going to say we all killed Christ by our sins – please read on, because the full answer is much, much deeper and more meaningful even than that.

(Remember you can just control-click on the scriptures in our blogs and the whole passage will pop up).

Many say the Jews did.  Certainly they’re right.  They did. Paul and others attest to that (see 1 Thessalonians 2:14-15).  Many say the Romans did. They’re right too – for it was the Roman government that had him nailed to the cross and who thrust the spear into His side. Still others say – and I’ve said in the past too – that we ALL killed Yeshua of Nazareth. Peter seems to say this to his sorrowful Pentecost audience (Acts 2:36-37), and later to a group in Acts 3:12-17, see especially verse 15.  How did we ALL kill the Christ?  By our sins, which required his atoning death. But there’s more. MUCH more. We haven’t hit on the full answer yet. Please look up those verses and read them in your own Bible or by control-clicking on to the scripture in this blog.

But all of those answers miss the biggest answer of all! As I’ve said, all the answers traditionally given are also correct, but there’s one more who really killed the Christ. 

WHAT was the Messiah? One answer is what John the Baptizer said: “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29). Later, the apostle Paul referred to Christ as “our Passover Lamb” (1 Cor. 5:7), so the Passover and days of Unleavened Bread of Exodus 12 pointed to, prophesied about, the REAL Lamb, the One all those little Passover lambs were pointing to – the Lamb of God. Of course you remember that in Exodus 12, God told Israel they could present a lamb or a goat kid that had no blemish or defect (Exodus 12:5).

Who was responsible in Exodus 12 to select a lamb without blemish and to have a lamb ready on Passover and to kill that lamb for their family in that original Passover service? It was the FATHER of the household who presented the selected lamb (Exodus 12:3) and who killed the family’s Passover lamb in Exodus 12. This was happening among all the Israelites (Exodus 12:6-7). Exodus 12:3 “Speak to all the congregation of Israel, saying: 'On the tenth of this month every man shall take for himself a lamb, according to the house of his father, a lamb for a household.”

So when we read that Yeshua/Jesus was called “the Lamb of GOD”, what was John referring to? Well, we know Jesus was crucified on Passover day, to die in our stead. He was blameless and without sin.

GOD the Father had pre-selected the Word, who became flesh and became the SON of God (John 1:14) to be His Lamb. In fact, Jesus was as good as already slain from before the foundation of the world (Revelation 13:8; 1 Peter 1:18-20). So ALL the Passover lambs of Exodus 12 and afterwards, all pointed to the future fulfillment of Messiah, the Lamb of God.

God the Father had to present a lamb for His household just as the fathers had to present one lamb or kid goat per household, remember? (Exodus 12:1-3).  The Lamb being offered had to be enough for the household. ALL who wish to be part of the Household of God will partake of Father’s lamb, in Father’s house.  On Passover day, the Israelite heads of households took their chosen lamb and killed it, spilling its blood, and establishing a blood covenant between them and God. Hyssop branches were used to splatter the blood of the lamb on the lintel and door posts of each home. When God saw the blood, this protected the household from the Destroyer – but it was really God Himself who was making the decision who lived and who died. Yehovah Himself inspected and passed over each house – where we get the word “Passover” from, when He saw the blood.

Exodus 12:23
“For YHVH (the LORD) will pass through to strike the Egyptians; and when HE sees the blood on the lintel and on the two doorposts, the LORD (YHVH) will PASS OVER the door and not allow the destroyer to come into your houses to strike you.”

So who really and ultimately had to kill the Lamb of God? Who alone truly could do it? Yeshua gives another clue during his final Passover.  He is quoting from Zechariah 13:7.

Matthew 26:31
Then Jesus said to them, "All of you will be made to stumble because of Me this night, for it is written:  'I will strike the Shepherd, and the sheep of the flock will be scattered.'

Who is the “I” in “I will strike the Shepherd?”  WHO is going to strike the Shepherd? Remember that Yeshua was the Word who was God and WITH God (John 1:1-2).  So let’s see what the original source – Zech 13:7 – says, and notice how God calls that Shepherd “the Man who is my COMPANION”.  If you take the time to read it, it is YHVH who is speaking. Yeshua is quoted in Matthew 26:31 as saying “I will strike the Shepherd” – but He is quoting GOD speaking in Zechariah 13:7. So GOD will strike the Shepherd. Who is the Shepherd? Jesus himself says HE is the good shepherd (John 10:11); the Shepherd who was struck by God.

Many of you know that the end of Isaiah 52 and all of Isaiah 53 is a prophecy about the crucifixion and sacrifice of Yeshua of Nazareth.  (Remember I use the name His mama called Him – the Hebrew name Yeshua, which means “salvation”.)

Let’s see who did the striking and sacrificing here. Isaiah 53 explains John 3:16 – that GOD so loved the world that HE gave his one and only Son. Why? So that those who believe in Him would not perish but have everlasting life. God the Father saw that by sacrificing His only Son for a time, that in his love he’d be opening the door to potentially millions or even billions more sons and daughters (2 Cor. 6:18). And Jesus was perfectly OK with that too (John 10:17-18).

Isaiah 53:4,6
“Surely He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows;
Yet we esteemed Him STRICKEN, SMITTEN BY GOD, and afflicted….
6 All we like sheep have gone astray, We have turned, every one, to his own way;
And Yehovah (the Lord) has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”

Isaiah 53:10-11
10 “Yet it PLEASED YHVH (the Lord) to bruise Him;
HE has put Him to grief.
When YOU make His soul an offering for sin, He shall see His seed, He shall prolong His days,
And the pleasure of Yehovah (the Lord) shall prosper in His hand. 
11 He shall see the labor of His soul, and be satisfied. By His knowledge My righteous Servant shall justify many; For He shall bear their iniquities.”

Did you catch that?  HE – YHVH – has put Him to grief.  WHY would God put His own innocent Son to death?  I know, I know; it’s easier to blame the Jews or the Romans.  But that misses the point of the entire Passover!  Isaiah 53:10 says GOD made His soul an offering for sin in His love for all of us!

So really the One who killed Christ was the Head of the Father’s House – Yehovah Most High, God our Father, for all those in His House who would accept this blood. The blood that covers and cleanses us from ALL our sins, no matter how bad they were. The blood of the Lamb of God, whom FATHER slew for His household, protects us from the Destroyer, saves us from the penalty of death that we earned, and covers us by His grace. Yeshua becomes the Covering for His people, for His Bride.

Still not convinced? Then what does John 3:16 say?  GOD gave His only begotten son as His LAMB for all and any who believe in the whole WORLD.  The Head of the House had to be the one to slay HIS own lamb at Passover. Perhaps this will make John 3:16 and 1 John 4:9-11 mean more now. 
What an incredible HEAD of the household of God that we have.  He offered His OWN innocent Son for all of us who will accept Him as our Savior. Paul certainly understood this in Romans 8.

Romans 8:31-34
“What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 HE WHO DID NOT SPARE HIS OWN SON, BUT DELIVERED HIM UP FOR US ALL, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things? 33 Who shall bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. 34 Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession for us.”

John 1:11-13

“He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”

What an incredible duo. Father and Son. Yeshua adds another fold to this incredible story.  Father offers His innocent Son in order to save all who would repent and accept Him. The Son – Yeshua - -ALSO offers HIMSELF willingly and agrees to step up to Father’s Plan.  This just gets more and more amazing. Show me another religion whose God offers HIMSELF for His people!

Of course that too was pictured by Abraham offering up his grown son Isaac until God stopped it at the last minute (Genesis 22). Isaac was big and old enough to refuse it, but he obviously agreed to be sacrificed, just as Jesus did. And Isaac carried the wood, picturing the stake/cross of Christ.

John 10:17-18
"Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again.  18 No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father."  

Yeshua, can I speak to you on behalf of all who are reading this: “Well done, our Master, well done. You’re simply amazing. We are not worthy of your grace and love but you offer it anyway. Thank you, our Beloved, thank you, and yes, we accept you and your covering blood again this year. You’ve washed us in your blood, you’ve wiped away our sins, and you’ve washed our feet of any of the dust/sins we’ve picked up in the last 12 months. And yes, Master, we are slowly learning to forgive and love one another as you have loved and forgiven.  You have set such an awesome example for all of us to follow. You’re amazing, holy Brother -- our Lord and Master, our Friend, our Savior, our King, our Husband-to-be, our JOY, our Love – and yes, our God. Thank you. We sure love you.”

“And Father, all of us fathers wish we could be a father like you. You are so kind, so patient, so loving, so giving, so forgiving – over and over. Thank you for that. Thank you for offering up your eternal Companion the Word so that ultimately in your plan, he becomes the Firstborn among many brethren. But what an example you are and please help me and all of us fathers be a better father.  Help all of us fathers to more perfectly turn our hearts to our children and please, please Father, turn our children’s hearts to us also, back to their fathers, and especially to you, as the ultimate Father. Please. Please teach us how, please make us all one, as you and Yeshua are one. We love you so much, holy Father. In Jesus/Yeshua’s holy name, Amen.”

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This coming full solar eclipse April 8, 2024


We all know in America that a full solar eclipse is due April 8, 2024.
It will cross from Eagle Pass, Texas heading northwest through Dallas, Cleveland, Erie, Burlington VT – and through Maine. The full eclipse will last almost four minutes, longer than most eclipses. If you are planning to watch it, if you’re in the path, be sure to use true eclipse glasses, not just sunglasses.

As an aside, the darkness at Jesus’ crucifixion was not, and could not have been, an eclipse, as that darkness was very thick and lasted for three hours. It had to be something other than an eclipse, which usually lasts 2-3 minutes.

An eclipse happens when the sun, moon and earth align and the moon blocks the sun. During a full eclipse, it makes it seem twilight, or even darker for those few minutes. At full eclipse, you may be able to see the sun’s corona and flares. Some solar changes are expected and may also affect us here on earth.

Is this April 8 eclipse of any importance? This one has a lot going on: longer than usual, comes with the Devil Comet and the planets align.

There are many eclipses, but the next full solar eclipse over America won’t come until 2044. But since 2017 on the other hand, counting April 8’s eclipse, there will have been now THREE full solar eclipses that will have crossed America in the past seven years. Seven is God’s number of perfect completion.

Why do I write about this April 8 eclipse happening over America?

Because I have always taught that “Israel” in the Middle East is really just the end-time nation of Judah of the Bible, plus Levi (for the Levites and priests) and others mixed in. But we believe the MAIN and TRUE end-time “Israel” is UK and USA, as Ephraim of the Bible. Jacob – whose changed name was Israel – actually put HIS name (Israel) on to the sons of Joseph, especially Ephraim (Gen 48:16). The name “Israel,” in other words, was not put on to Judah, but on Ephraim, Joseph’s stronger younger son (USA today).

When the 12 tribes split into 2 separate nations during the reign of David’s grandson Rehoboam, the northern 10 tribes became known as the House of Israel – headed by Ephraim, the extra-blessed son of Joseph. The Southern tribes then became the House of Judah.

So there are numerous prophecies in the books of the prophets about “Israel” and even about Ephraim. I believe these apply more to UK and USA.

So when God sends significant things to America in these last days, He’s trying to get our attention, as He did before. And of course Jerusalem and Judah in the Middle East are also extremely crucial to keep watching.

There are many links to this total eclipse. Here’s one that’s interesting.

When you place the three eclipses over America from Aug 2017 to April 8, 2024, their paths show up as the ancient Hebrew letter Alef and the letter Tav – the equivalent of the Greek Alpha and Omega, which refer to God. Study the links to understand better. Could God be trying to get America’s attention. Alef and Tav the beginning letter and last letter – the beginning and the end?

The last letter Tav looks like a slanted cross.

Yeshua/Jesus is the prince of Peace. The 2017 eclipse started in Salem (peace) Oregon and end up at Salem, South Carolina in the far southeast. But it crossed SEVEN towns named Salem. Is the Prince of Peace trying to get our attention? We won’t panic. But maybe God is trying to get our attention.

Pray we be accounted worth to escape the terrifying end times (Luke 21:36).

The eclipse coming on April 8 will cross seven towns named Nineveh, where God sent a warning through Jonah and they repented. Could this just be coincidence? Maybe. That April 8 eclipse also apparently follows the track exactly of the New Madrid fault line, where in winter of 1811-12 they had three very large earthquakes – including an earthquake of 8.4. Today, such an earthquake in that location would be devastating.

If strange and mysterious events occur with this eclipse, perhaps it’s more than just a routine eclipse. If not, just keep your eyes open. There is a strange comet that may be visible during the full eclipse and it’s called the Devil Comet, of all things. Its official name – Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks. Maybe learn more about it.

Plus the planets all align at about the same time as the eclipse. To me, there just seem to be too many “coincidences” lining up with this eclipse to make all of it just be a matter of chance. Is God warning us?

Here’s another link by a friend Linda Watson. I don’t concur with everything she says, but she makes some interesting points. So be alert and watch.

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Which would you choose? Gold bar or severe trial?

gold bar I remember a sermon in church from when I was maybe 15-16 years old. That’s going back 55 years or more. Some sermons just stick in your memory forever and this was one of them.

The preacher asked us all – “If I could give you your choice, which would you pick? A solid gold bar weighing 1 kilo (2.4 pounds) – or a serious trial God will put you through. Which would you pick?”

The gold bar of course would have been worth many thousands of dollars when the price of gold was already very high for just an ounce of gold. The price today for just one ounce of gold is $2,233. Imagine what a 1 kilo bar of pure gold would cost! That would be about $77,000 for a .999% pure gold bar. Maybe I should go out and buy a truck load, right? In my dreams.

So you’re being offered a $77,000 gold bar – OR you could have – from God - a serious trial He has hand-selected for you, just you -- like a terrible bone cancer or pancreatic cancer or multiple sclerosis that goes on and on and on – which would you pick? The pure gold bar you can keep – or God’s trial He would give you?

If you would pick the gold bar, you made a terrible decision. But this should show us the real VALUE of going through a serious trial from God, with God’s help – a value that would last forever.

1 Peter 1:6-9

“In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various TRIALS,

7 that the genuineness of your FAITH, being much more precious than GOLD that perishes, though it is TESTED by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, 8 whom having not seen you love.

Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory,

9 receiving the end of your faith—The SALVATION of your souls.

Listen to my recent sermon on “When God doesn’t heal the faithful” for much more on this. God has wonderful reasons for letting us suffer. God’s own Son was PERFECTED by the things which He suffered. Suffering does that. Should it be any different for us?

Hebrews 2:10

“For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation PERFECT through SUFFERINGS.

Even in Hebrews 11 we read of our spiritual forefathers who were chased out of their homes, had to live in caves, or like Isaiah – were SAWN in two! God certainly wants his people perfected and refined and tested – and suffering builds all those for us.

It’s the same for us. We must have our faith tested and perfected and strengthened. It puts qualities in us for God’s use for eternity.

1 Peter 5:10

“But may the God of all grace, who called us to His eternal glory by Christ Jesus, AFTER you have suffered a while, PERFECT, establish, strengthen, and settle you.”

James 1:2-4

“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, 3 knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.”

So there are definite and strong reasons for the sufferings, for pain, illness and tests and trials we each are going through – all of it worth far, far more than a gold bar that perishes.

I think most of us know that it would be terribly hard to choose being bedridden for year after year in pain and suffering – or paralysis – over the chance to be given a gold bar. And yet, look at what apostle Peter told us. As we read this, think about the trials you’ve had, or know others have, and maybe this can put those trials into perspective. Also, be sure to hear my recent audio sermon “When God doesn’t always heal the faithful.”

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Positive Pre-Passover preparation

Many of you understand that we are to avoid taking the Passover in an unworthy manner, or “unworthily” as KJV says (1 Cor. 11:27-29) but are to first examine ourselves.

What does that mean?  Over the years I’ve actually known people who decided not to take the Passover at all because they decided they weren’t worthy enough.  This is what is motivating this blog. 

What does it mean to take the Passover “worthily” or “unworthily”?  If we take it in an unworthy manner, which is apparently very serious – as we will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord (v. 27).  But on the other hand, if we don't take Passover at all, we’re still guilty of the body and blood of the Lord, right?  For if God Most High does not see the blood  of the Lamb of God  - His Son -- covering us, do our sins get passed-over (where we get the term Passover from) – Exodus 12:12-13?  Remember? “When I see the blood, I will pass over…”

So let’s read it and understand it.

1 Corinthians 11:25-30

“In the same manner He also took the cup after supper, saying, "This cup is the new covenant in My blood. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me."  26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death till He comes.

27 Therefore whoever eats this bread or drinks this cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of the body and blood of the Lord. 28 But let a man examine himself, and so LET him eat of the bread and drink of the cup. 29 For he who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the [Lord's] body.”

Click on “Continue reading” to learn more about taking the Passover in a worthy manner.

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The Humble Centurion














One of the greatest examples of humility that we find in the Gospels – and in the entire Bible, other than in the life of Jesus – is seen in the story of the centurion who implored Jesus to heal his servant. Both Matthew and Luke record this story (Matthew 8:5-13; Luke 7:1-10), and the additional details each one gives paint a picture of a leader of men who was remarkably humble – and more.


The centurion’s humility is certainly one of the most memorable aspects of the story. As the ranking officer in his unit, he was an important soldier who gave orders to many men.  Yet  this same centurion willingly humbled himself in his request to Christ, declaring “I do not deserve to have you come under my roof … I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you” (Luke 7:6–7). This attitude is all the more remarkable as we know that most Romans looked down on the Jewish people, considering them to be a relatively uncivilized nation. 

The story also shows the humility of Jesus in his willingness to go to the sick rather than having them be brought to him, but the centurion’s humility is what is highlighted. For a Roman officer to humble himself to the degree he did before one of the people he was charged to rule over was almost startling.


But humility is clearly not the only trait this centurion displayed.  As commander of at least 80 men (see our post “Ten Centurions,” here) he said that “I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it” (Matthew 8:9).    Centurions were often battle-hardened individuals who were not chosen for weakness of any kind – rather their strength was often deeply respected by the men they led.  This is an important fact because it shows that the biblical quality of humility so clearly demonstrated by this man is not in any way an expression of weakness. The centurion’s humility was all the more noticeable because of his strength.


There is also another quality of this soldier that we should not overlook, and that is his compassion. Clearly, he was concerned for his servant’s welfare, but the sick man was  apparently not an indispensable or key person in his household. Luke tells us, in fact, that the sick man for whom the centurion asked Christ’s help was not an important servant, but simply a lowly slave (doulos). This centurion was obviously concerned for even the least members of his household staff.  


Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the story of the humble centurion, however, is the man’s faith.  On hearing the centurion’s request that Jesus simply command that his servant be made well, Jesus responded “Let it be done just as you believed it would” (Matthew 8:13) and Luke adds the further detail that “Jesus … was amazed at him, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, ‘I tell you, I have not found such great faith even in Israel’” (Luke 7:9).  As a result of the soldier’s great faith, his servant was healed at that exact moment (Matthew 8:13). 

The level of detail given in both Matthew and Luke’s accounts of this healing shows how important the story is from a New Testament perspective. While the Gospels could simply have recorded that Jesus healed the servant of a Gentile centurion, they stress that the soldier was a man of strength and compassion and of outstanding humility and faith. These are fitting goals for every soldier of Christ.

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Do you have the faith to be healed?

Someone told someone near and dear to me that he obviously didn’t have the faith to be healed, as he has been suffering with severe neck and back plus nerve pain for many years. The “logic” went like this: “If you had real faith, you’d be healed.  The fact you’re not healed is proof you don’t have faith – or enough faith.” 

Hmm.  What would you say to that?  Haven’t many of us thought that about ourselves or others at some point in our lives?  After all, James 5:14-16 says we should be anointed and prayed over by the elders when we’re sick and the prayer of faith will heal the sick and if sins had been committed, they will be forgiven.  Then we’re admonished to pray for one another so that we may be healed.  We know there are people being healed, but it does seem like there are far more people who seek healing who aren’t being healed.  Are the ones not being healed simply obvious cases of people without faith, or without enough faith? 

We’re coming up to Passover soon and as we take of the unleavened bread and red wine we are reminded “by His stripes we are healed”.  But quite a few aren’t being healed. Too many even die, without being healed.  I’ve experienced significant healings in my own life, as well as times when I saw no change in the conditioned for which I prayed. 

I think the challenge comes when we make black-and-white dogmatic conclusions from a verse here or there.  It does seem to say that according to our faith, may it be done unto you. It does say that some in Nazareth were not healed because of their unbelief.  So where does that leave us when someone who is a man or woman or child of great faith – is not healed, after repeated requests and lots of prayers going up in their behalf?  

It breaks my heart especially to watch people suffering who apparently did nothing themselves to “bring on” a particular disease or condition.  Maybe it’s a baby or young boy suffering from ongoing issues.  I watched a show about a young boy whose skin, from the time of birth onwards, constantly blistered and looked like he was a constant burn victim. 

On the other hand, I prayed for a man and his wife at one of the recent Feasts of God. The man had had a stroke, was weak, spoke haltingly and often lost his train of thought.  His wife suffered from serious back pain.  Both of them were healed instantly that day. The man’s stroke symptoms disappeared immediately, his mental clarity returned, his voice was strong and clear – all within minutes of our prayer.   And then I found out his wife was healed of all her pain instantly as well.  Instantly.  That was very, very encouraging and inspiring and the glory goes completely to YHVH our Healer. 

So that was very encouraging, but we also had prayed for 5 others at that same time – but they were not healed instantly. Some of them still await healing.  Did those 5 lack faith necessarily?  Were they less righteous?  You know what?  It’s easy for the unhealed folks to assume that and get discouraged.  It’s also easy for onlookers to assume all that.  But is that necessarily the case? 

Let’s go back to a few basics about faith:

YHVH God does promise healing to those who look to him in faith and ask for his healing. God is the one with the power to heal. Exodus 15:26 says “…I am YHVH who heals you.”  And Psalm 103:3 says YHVH is the one “…who heals ALL your diseases.”  It is not the minister who heals. Our heavenly Abba may give the gift of healing to certain ones, but it is always God who heals.  When I pray for people I often even end the prayer by saying something like, “Father, I have no power to heal. We ask you to send the command to heal.  We ask Yeshua (Jesus) to place HIS hands on this person, rebuke the illness and bring healing and restoration and wholeness back to this person, from head to toe. In Yeshua’s name, Amen.”  

So God claims to be the Healer, and so He is. But then why are so many people of faith, who ask for healing, who are prayed over – why are so many not being healed? Is it necessarily a lack of faith on their part, or on the minister’s part?  In some cases, it could be! Even Yeshua himself could not heal like he wanted to in Nazareth, and he marveled at their unbelief” (Mark 6:4-6).  Another time he told his own disciples they could not cast out certain demons “due to your unbelief” (Mark 17:19-21). 

So obviously lack of faith can and does play a part.  But then should we always jump to that conclusion when we see no healing going on?  Could there be more?

God does promise healing, though He does not promise WHEN. But I caution also: do not assume in your heart that you have to wait a long time.  It is in the resurrection when this corruptible flesh will put on incorruption.  WE have to remain faithful whether we are healed now, or in a few weeks, or have to wait until the resurrection.  In any case, true faith keeps looking to Abba and to our Yeshua for healing in their time and in their way, no matter what is going on inside of us.  Here are a few examples:

  • ALL the faithful patriarchs, all the holy men and holy women of God DIED without having received God’s promises yet!  ALL of them.  Read the last 10 verses or so of Hebrews 11 and see how men and women of God were sawn in two, tortured, afflicted – and how they all died not having received the promises (Hebrews 11:35-40).

    Many of the early fathers of faith died with unhealed physical issues.  Isaac was blind.  David could not keep warm (1 Kings 1:1) and then he died at a relatively young age of 70, compared to today’s life expectancies.  David’s sick baby also died, in spite of David fasting, repenting and praying for a week (2 Samuel 12:14-23).
  • The Apostle Paul had a “thorn in the flesh” that God refused to remove and heal, because it was in his weakness caused by that “thorn” that God’s power was evident.  Could it be that your faith, confidence in God and faithfulness in your trial could be the very blessing God is using to inspire others from the way you handle your pain and trial?  Read 2 Cor. 12:7-10.  Neither is there any statement that Paul somehow miraculously never felt the pain or suffered the consequences of the beatings, stonings and many things he went through for Christ.
  • Elisha, who was used by God to heal and even resurrect so many, himself died of an illness from which he was not healed!  2 Kings 13:14.

    Timothy, a great evangelist, had “often infirmities” (1 Timothy 5:23).  Why didn’t Paul just heal him?  Because GOD decided not yet.  Remember, it wasn’t Paul, Peter or anyone else who healed. It was God or his Son Yeshua the Messiah who heals. 

So any of you who would be so quick to injure someone’s faith and heart by telling them they must not have enough faith and that is why they remain unhealed – would you have said that to the Apostle Paul, or to Elisha or to Isaac or to King David?  So don’t say that to your brother or sister either!  Who are we to judge our brother or sister in Christ? 

Faith is the evidence of things NOT SEEN (yet) (Hebrews 11:1).  Our faith is measured the most by when we don’t yet see what we hope for. It’s easy to proclaim your faith when everything you asked for materializes instantly.  But it requires true solid faith to remain undoubting when we don’t yet see any changes after the prayers.  Otherwise, if we already see it, why would we need faith? For example:  if we have faith in the life and resurrection and righteousness of God which is by FAITH – as scripture says over and over – we may not yet always see that righteousness evident in our own lives all the time – yet.  If we pray and someone is not healed, FAITH must remain strong, even when we do not YET see the healing or any change going on.  Our faith must remain strong even if in fact, our condition and pain worsens!  For our faith is based on what we don’t see, not on what we see.  Our faith is based on GOD, on Jesus Christ (Yeshua), who WILL do everything God has promised.  But in their way, in their time.  Please take the time to read, on your knees as you pray about it, 2 Cor. 4:7-12

True faith is evidenced especially when God doesn’t move according to our hoped-for timetable or plan.

Paul was such a great example of this. In prison chains, with bleeding stripes on his back, what do we see Paul and Silas doing?  Praising God in song and prayer (Acts 16:22-26). The other prisoners heard it and received strength.  Paul says he was beaten, he was shipwrecked, he was stoned – and in all of this, never gave up faith or hope (2 Corinthians 11:23-28).  Isn’t that the model for us, for anyone who is looking to our wonderful God even as He allows us to go through pain and suffering for HIS purposes? 

WHY would a loving God allow us to go through pain and suffering day after day?  And I’m including emotional and mental pain as well in this.  Maybe you’re estranged from one or two in your own family. The pain from that is unbearable, and it’s a real pain.  Maybe you have abusive “friends” who denounce your faith in God.  Or maybe you have real physical pain that is just unbearable.

I do have a sermon on this website on this specific point:  WHY does YHVH allow so much suffering?  Look for it on this website in June 2013. 

 It is through suffering that we grow, that we become perfected, that we grow in wisdom.  So many scriptures say so.  Even Christ learned obedience and was perfected by that which he suffered (Hebrews 5:7-9).  Can we expect anything less?   As we receive comfort and answers in our suffering, we are supposed to use that experience to comfort others (2 Cor. 1:3-5).  And that becomes another one of the reasons for suffering:  so we can comfort others with the comfort we received from the God of all comfort. 

2 Corinthians 1:3-5
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our tribulation, that we may be able to comfort those who are in any trouble, with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God. 5 For as the sufferings of Christ abound in us, so our consolation also abounds through Christ.

So as the suffering continues, it is normal and natural to, at times, just want to give up and walk away from our dear Father and Savior, but then we pause, listen to Yeshua’s heart in us – and instead, lift up our eyes and cry out “We TRUST you, Abba Father. WE TRUST you, and we love you even in all of this.  We know You know what you’re doing, even when WE don’t understand all the reasons why you won’t take away my pain and illness and suffering, when you have the power to do so.”  And then we go turn on an inspirational hymn or two and sing our praises to Him, even in our own emotional prison and even as we feel our own bleeding stripes, as Paul and Silas did in that jail so long ago. 

Start thanking God for having already healed you, even if you do not yet see the immediate healing.  Please read that again.  I have a whole sermon on thanking God before we see his answers.  Please hear it. (March 5, 2014—“Praising YHVH before we see His answers”.)  I believe it was a very inspired message. Daniel’s three friends knew God could deliver them from the fire, but then they said those words that still ring through the ages, “BUT IF HE DOES NOT, we still will not bow down to that idol” (see Daniel 3:16-18).  But since we know God sees the end from the beginning, and because he is already working behind the scenes, and because we know he definitely will heal all diseases at least by and in the resurrection – start thanking him now. Don't wait.

I also recommend you hear the three sermons given in 2004 on “Faith”, available on this website.

As we learn all the lessons from this life, we come to the point of growth where – even IN our pain – we praise Him, we thank him IN the pain (1 Thess 5:18 – IN all things”) and even FOR the pain and trials we’re going through (“FOR all things” - Ephesians 5:20), knowing He’s working His perfect work in us. 

I titled this blog: Do you have the faith to be healed?  I hope you understand.  Your healing can be instantly, or in the resurrection.  But it is coming.  Stay in faith. Stay faithful. HE is faithful to do all that he has promised. And please don’t tell someone who is struggling in their pain that they aren’t being healed because they lack faith.  That’s for God to say, if it applies.  Otherwise, our job is to encourage, love, support and pray for them. 

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Time for a Phinehas to appear?

All scriptures are NKJV unless noted otherwise. 

Whose belief or action was said to be so strong that it was accounted to him for righteousness? If you instinctively answered, “Abraham, of course” (Genesis 15:6), you’d be correct -- but not complete. 

That statement was also made of a strong young leader in Israel of Moses’ day who stood up for the right, took decisive action, and stopped a plague continuing from God. 

Psalms 106:28-31 

“They joined themselves also to Baal of Peor, 

And ate sacrifices made to the dead. 

Thus they provoked Him to anger with their deeds, 

And the plague broke out among them. 

30 Then Phinehas stood up and intervened, 

And the plague was stopped

31 And that was accounted to him for righteousness 

To all generations forevermore.” 

One of the priests at the coming third temple we believe will be built in Jerusalem in our lifetime, will be a descendant of Phinehas, due to the action of Phinehas that really moved God. When Phinehas acted, God was in the middle of exacting a plague in which 24,000 Israelites died. Phinehas’ action stopped the plague and saved thousands of more lives. 

In times of crisis in the Church – the Body of Christ today – do we have a modern-day Phinehas willing to stand up, take action and speak up for what’s right? I pray we do. YOU and I may be called upon to be a Phinehas at some point, maybe sooner than you think. Let’s read the story in Numbers 25. 

In the Exodus wilderness wanderings, Israel had been seduced into religious sex by Moabite and Midianite women. Israel started worshiping their pagan gods and committing harlotry with the foreign women. God was furious. Many of those involved were hanged. This takes us through the first five verses of Numbers 25. Now verse 6. What a Simeonite leader did was so “in-your-face” that even Moses seemed stunned. But here’s where our hero Phinehas gets involved. 

Numbers 25:6:15 

And indeed, one of the children of Israel came and presented to his brethren a Midianite woman in the sight of Moses and in the sight of all the congregation of the children of Israel, who were weeping at the door of the tabernacle of meeting. 

7 Now when Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, saw it, he rose from among the congregation and took a javelin in his hand; 

8 and he went after the man of Israel into the tent and thrust both of them through, the man of Israel, and the woman through her body. So the plague was stopped among the children of Israel. 

9 And those who died in the plague were twenty-four thousand. 

10 Then YHVH spoke to Moses, saying: 11 "Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has turned back My wrath from the children of Israel, because he was zealous with My zeal among them, so that I did not consume the children of Israel in My zeal. 12 Therefore say, 'Behold, I give to him My covenant of peace; 13 and it shall be to him and his descendants after him a covenant of an everlasting priesthood, because he was zealous for his God, and made atonement for the children of Israel.'" 

14 Now the name of the Israelite who was killed, who was killed with the Midianite woman, was Zimri the son of Salu, a leader of a father's house among the Simeonites. 15 And the name of the Midianite woman who was killed was Cozbi the daughter of Zur; he was head of the people of a father's house in Midian.” 

Phinehas “was zealous for his God” and stood up against a LEADER of a tribe who was leading in a sin. Verse 11 quotes GOD himself saying Phinehas’ action may have stopped God from wiping out most of Israel in God’s zeal. 

The sin wasn’t just adultery – but was rebellion against God’s laws, against Moses as their leader, and that rebel – Zimri by name – was intent on doing what he felt he wanted to do. 

Numbers 25:6 says he did this in the sight of all the brethren. This was a taunt, an “In your face’ moment. He basically dared the brethren. “Nobody can stop me from doing what I want to do” – as he blatantly paraded the Midianite woman for all to see – right into his tent. 

Phinehas didn’t worry if what he was about to do was polite or not. He didn’t ask for any permission to go into the man’s private tent or “knocked on the door” first.] No, he grabbed a javelin and thrust it through both their bodies right in the midst of their act of sexual sin. 

A bit extreme? GOD didn’t think so. God commended him. I think it’s very possible that most of Israel would have been killed by God had Phinehas not stepped in. As it was – 24,000 died from God’s plague. 

YOU may be called upon to take decisive action and lead the way back to God in various times and places. 

Critical point: to be an effective Phinehas, know your God really well. Know his Word, His scriptures. Be studying and meditating on them night and day. Pray for courage and decisiveness – but also pray for wisdom so you do the right thing at the right time in the right way. Know when to do it boldly in front of everybody – and when to do it privately with just the one or two involved. But either way, don’t just sit back and do nothing. And remember there was a plague going on when Phinehas stood up. Twenty-four thousand had already died. He had no time to waste in that case. 

There are crises happening in the world and in the church right now. If you see a problem in the church, speak up. Do something. Say something. Talk to the ministers. Talk to others who need to hear you speak up. Voice your concerns. Take action. Realize you yourself may not have all the facts straight, so be sure of your facts before your Phinehas moment. But the couple’s actions in Numbers 25 were for all to see, done in the “sight of all the congregation.” 

If someone is openly causing division and slandering other pastors or sowing discord in your church body, speak up. It’s not a time to quietly sit back and do nothing. Remember that the name “Devil” means “Slanderer”. A slanderer has literally become a “devil” himself. Paul said “there must be no divisions among you” – 1 Cor. 1:10-11. Tell the divider – no, he’s not welcome to speak to your group. And be willing to tell him he needs to repent and seek God’s mercy. Be a Phinehas to him. 

If there’s drunkenness at church parties, speak up. If there’s womanizing going on or even just inappropriate comments, looks and flirting, speak up. In many cases you should speak privately first. Not every situation is a “grab your javelin and do a Phinehas” occasion. SO wisdom is also required. 

Older ladies, if there’s rampant immodesty (1 Tim. 2:9-10) at church services or anywhere our church ladies are, speak up. You older women, first set the right example – then speak and teach the younger women as Titus 2:3-5 clearly says. We all have a role to play in our church services and among the brethren, but that’s for another day, another topic. But today I’m talking about taking decisive action when it’s called for. 

Titus 2:3-5 

the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things — 4 that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed”. 

I believe our church members are much too placid in times when leadership and action are required. 

Take a few minutes to ponder if you would have done what Phinehas did – if you could be transported in a time machine to that moment in time. Ponder further to consider times coming in the future when we might have to stand up for what’s right and speak up, or say something. I’ll write a blog or have a sermon before long, with God’s help and blessing, on when we should stand up and speak up – and when we it might be best to remain quiet. Too many of God’s people, though, are real good at the “remain quiet” kind of inaction – and never seem to be a real Phinehas. 

How about being willing to be a Phinehas when the circumstances and time are right? Be a zealous man or woman of action when the time warrants it. Be a Phinehas. 

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