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Like the apostle Paul, we all also eagerly wait for our Lord Yeshua/Jesus to return in power and glory. May our Father send him back soon. Study the new sermons on the First Resurrection, parts 1 and 2, to learn all about it. Much of this will be new to many of you – what time of the year (WHEN) it will be, and what happens to us after we’re transformed to our new and glorious immortal bodies.
The Feast of Tabernacles will be upon us soon and if any of you are moved to help us provide a wonderful feast for many thousands of East Africans in Kenya, Tanzania, Malawi and Uganda – we thank you. Every dollar will help provide the chairs, mattresses, food and other needs. Thank you so much. Please check out my sermon “the Least of these my brethren” as that will certainly surprise you. Thank you
Your brother in Messiah, Philip.
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