Light on the Rock Blogs

The blogs are short articles, almost like a “sermonette” compared to a sermon. They are on a variety of topics, please enjoy.

Our focus has always been on the Rock (who is Christ) and on the Light of the world (who is Christ), and on our heavenly Abba, our Father.  So this site is not about us but the website software requires some kind of bio. We felt led in 2004 to share Bible studies with others and to help people whom God was calling to come to their Messiah, and this website was born.

Philip was ordained in 1976 and has served sabbath-keeping congregations in Canada and the USA. He runs his own long-term care insurance agency along with his wife, Carole. Philip and Carole met in 1971 and have been happily married since 1975.  God has blessed them with three children and a total of SEVEN grandchildren:  5 in FL and 2 in WA. 

Philip lives now in Leesburg, FL so they can be closer to their four grandsons and 1 granddaughter and his second daughter and her husband.  Philip and his website also support a group of 28 orphan children in Kenya.

Focus on the unleavened Bread now

We’re coming to the end of the days of Unleavened Bread.  First the no-condemnation we receive from the cross/tree of our Savior—the Passover.  Then we can go forward happily knowing we are no longer condemned (Romans 8:1) – the days of Unleavened Bread. 

Some of us continue looking for leaven (sin) after Passover. I don’t think that is what it means when Paul teaches us after we have received Christ that “now there is no more condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus…” 

Think about it.  You’ve already put out the leaven, picturing your change of direction and repentance as you came to the bloodied cross of our Savior. Then at Passover you washed one another’s feet (John 13:1-10), picturing what Yeshua does for us too – washes us by and in the Word (HE is the word).  Then, in our freshly cleansed state, we eat of his bread from heaven, his perfect life (read John 6). We take him inside of us and we feed on Him by His word and the unleavened bread. We notice the matzah is pierced and has stripes, and it’s a reminder that by his stripes we are healed. What a beating he took FOR us… so I can be healed and so I don’t have to keep beating myself up anymore. And you don’t either. I don’t want to waste the terrible scourging and beating he went through for me and you by continuing to wallow in my regrets. It’s time to stop beating ourselves up! HE took all that FOR us.    

Then, still in our freshly washed and cleansed state, we drink from the Master’s cup. We accept his wedding proposal.  That’s what someone who was proposing would do:  pour wine into a cup and ask his sweetheart if she was willing to drink from it, expressing her desire to share whatever life has in store for them as a couple.  If she drank from it, that was a “Yes, I accept your offer to marry you.”  And we’re reminded of course, of the many, many awesome things the blood of Christ – what the wine pictures – does for us. It washes away our sins. It redeems us and we now belong to Christ. The blood of Messiah restores the relationship, pays the sin debt, erases our penalty, and gives us the victory over Satan! Hallelujah!  And all of this brings you and me close to our heavenly Father and His shekinah glory.

Then for seven days we focus NOT on leavening and sin – but the glorious leaven-free bread of the life of Christ for seven days. The house has been deleavened. There is no leavening available.  No, I’m enjoying all the delicious various unleavened breads, unleavened crackers and desserts my wife has made for us. I’m focusing on that now. And they all picture my Savior.  Some are crispy, some have various flavors, some are sweet.  And they all remind me of various ways my King watches over me. Trying to continue to find leaven/sin in the house is the wrong focus. It’s time to enjoy our Master now, and he is celebrating our renewed oneness with Him and our Father.

The point of this blog: during the days of unleavened bread, focus on THE unleavened Bread from heaven. Don’t be focused on yourself, or on sin, or on trying to keep finding more leavening in the house, but now focus on Him who took away your sin and has given you new unleavened life – in Him. And in him we have the victory and the peace that comes from that. 

We love you, older brother Yeshua. We sure love you too, dear Abba – our dear Father.  And thank you, thank you, for the beauty of everything you’ve done for us.  Amen. 

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He is RISEN! We are saved by His LIFE (Romans 5:10)

How deep and how cleansing was the Passover! And now as we get nearer the end of the days of Unleavened Bread, we have Wavesheaf Day – when the firstfruit of the barley harvest is lifted up to the true God so that the rest of the harvest could be accepted (Leviticus 23:9-11).  Remember this was all a picture of our amazing Yeshua, the Son of God.

YOU are accepted now, in Him!  In the Beloved.

Ephesians 1:5-6

“…having predestined us to adoption as sons by Jesus Christ to Himself, according to the good pleasure of His will, 6 to the praise of the glory of His grace, by which He made us accepted in the Beloved.”

On this day, almost two thousand years ago, he tells Mary Magdalene not to cling to him as he had to ascend to be accepted by the Father in behalf of all the rest of the spiritual harvest. “Tell the others”, he says, “I am ascending to my father and your father, to my God and your God” (John 20:17), 

Can you imagine the ceremony, the honor, the reunion with his Abba, his dear father?  What was it like?  As our older Brother Yeshua arrives in heaven, what was it like?  How do spirits celebrate? How do they recognize achievement?  What is an angelic “motorcade” to the royal palace like?  What was the reunion between Abba, our incredibly loving Father – and Yeshua the victorious son – like?  He was raised in glory. Father sent him to us as a perfect, innocent, unmarked baby – and we returned him with holes in his side, feet and hands and brutally tortured.  But now he shines once more brighter than ten thousand suns in his glory.  And all of this because Father and Son were willing that Christ should die so you wouldn’t have to.

And now He LIVES, that we might live by the power of HIS life. In us. With us. HIS life is our covering. HE is our righteousness, as God’s gift, which we get to receive by faith – the very righteousness of God himself.  If you doubt this, read these verses:  Philippians 3:9-11; Romans 5:15-19 (especially verses 17 and 19), 1 Corinthians 1:30-31; 2 Corinthians 5:21.  It’s a gift we don’t hear much about:  the gift of HIS righteousness. It’s all there, in the verses I’ve just quoted.  Open up your Bible and read those verses again, slowly, prayerfully, and thankfully – and then RECEIVE the gift. (Be watching for a sermon soon on “How well do we receive?”   I also have sermons on the Righteousness of God by faith in Nov-Dec. 2010 on this website). 

So don’t miss this day. It’s about the risen Christ. Paul wanted to know the power of HIS resurrection (Phil 3:10-11).  Christ’s resurrection happened long ago, but you know what?  WE are also witnesses of that resurrection when we let HIS resurrection life shine through us. The greatest sermon we can preach is the sermon of a changing life, lived by the spirit of Yeshua in us, walking the same way He always walked – in holiness and obedience to the Way of His Father. When people see you and me, they should see less and less of you and me – and more and more of Yeshua the Messiah to HIS glory.  And we thankfully RECEIVE the gifts of His righteousness by the other HUGE free gift of His grace – his unmerited favor that God wishes to pour over us.   

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Walking as He walked

This is one of the most important blogs I’ve written.  I’ve written a lot lately about the Unleavened Bread of our Master. Though we know His blood redeems us and it’s his LIFE that saves us, I urge you to also focus on saying it is HIS life that saves us. Still too many believers act as if they are their own savior, that it’s all up to them. We must focus on HIM as our Savior. HE is the captain of our salvation.  He is the One who is working in us to save us. If you read the oft quoted verse in Philippians 2:12 to “work out your own salvation”, be sure to read verse 13 also: “For it is GOD who works in you, both to will and to do according to HIS good pleasure.”

 We are saved by grace, HIS grace; not by our works.  And that salvation, that grace, are free gifts. But “free” in this case should never be read as “cheap”.  There was nothing cheap about what Yeshua, the son of God, went through for you and me, culminating in his tortured death on the cross.  But neither is it still grace, or a gift, if it’s of works. Romans 11:6 is clear on that.

 Read Eph 2:8-10 which gives the balance:

 Ephesians 2:8-10

For BY GRACE you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; IT istheGIFT OF GOD, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are HIS workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

 Have you read that slowly several times? Do you earn salvation and eternal life? Is salvation by works, or is it God’s GIFT? Too many still speak of “making it” into God’s kingdom and miss that we are part of the body of Yeshua. As part of His body, as being ‘IN him”, if we remain in Him we will always be where He is.  Otherwise we’re not “in him”.  I think that’s so basic, and so clear, and yet too many still try to be their own Savior or beget themselves into their own new creation. We are a new creation. But I’m not the Creator of the first or new creation.  There’s but one Creator of all things, and it’s neither you nor I.  Are you getting it?  Nor is there more than one Savior. There’s only one name by which we may be saved, and that name is Jesus – or I use his Hebrew name “Yeshua”.

 So accept HIS life, His gift and His saving grace. If it were up to us, then we have something to boast about (Eph 2:9). Everything is supposed to be for HIS glory, not ours (1 Cor 1:30-31).

 Now I love the balance given in Ephesians 2:8-10. Once we are given a gift, we are to put it to good use, doing good works as verse 10 says. In the parable of the pounds and talents, the man who buried his gift or talent (an amount of money) ended up in trouble. He was supposed to use the gift given him.

 But remember: we are saved by grace (Eph 2:8-9), and rewarded by our works.  Too many are still confusing the two. Salvation is a free gift. Eternal life is God’s free gift (read Rom 6:23). But what rewards you will be given in the resurrection will depend on your works, for He will “reward each man according to his work” (Rev. 22:12).  I say again: the “reward” is not eternal life or salvation. The reward is what is given as an extra bonus for having used His gifts well. 

 Now back to the point that we are saved by HIS life. 

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