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Wed, Oct 27, 2021
Duration: 58 mins 49 secs
Should God’s children participate in Halloween? Is there a middle ground on this? It’s called All Hallows Eve or Dia de los Muertos in Mexico and many countries observe it. Is the true living God in heaven pleased with this – or not? Find out for sure. Scripture is VERY clear about God’s mind on this. Tell others about this too, please.
Fri, Sep 03, 2021
Duration: 58 mins 49 secs
Does God promise his children won’t go through severe troubles in the last days and that He’ll always protect all his children from harm? This lesson reminds us of what scripture actually says about that – and how in the most troubling of times, here are 5 ways to having real peace in these troubling times, which will only get far worse up to the return of Yeshua, the Son of God. We CAN have peace in the coming spiritual storms.
Fri, Aug 06, 2021
Duration: 1 hr 4 mins 41 secs
The burning question for many Christians – when will our Savior return? Could Christ return tonight? DO certain events have to happen first before He returns, or could he just come back at any moment? How “bad” will the world be before Christ returns? Are we there yet? Find out in this fast-moving message that explores Matthew 24, Revelation 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and more! Some great graphics in this sermon.
Fri, Jul 02, 2021
Duration: 57 mins 46 secs
An especially important topic with interesting graphics too. We know the coming Beast/False Prophet will deceive just about everyone – and come close to convincing even God’s elect (Matthew 24:24). What’s happening to set the stage for this System to put its deception into action? What 5 steps can YOU be taking now to definitely avoid being deceived? Are you believing a LIE? Our very future is at stake. Let others know about this.
Wed, Jun 16, 2021
Duration: 53 mins 26 secs
Jesus warns us that in the very end time, even the very elect come close to being deceived. Will you be deceived in the face of very persuasive signs and miracles? WHY was Eve deceived in Eden, but Adam was not? What lessons can we learn? Also, how steps are being taken to set the stage worldwide for the coming duo of the Beast and False Prophet and what we need to be watching.
Sun, May 16, 2021
Duration: 55 mins 6 secs
Pentecost is such a great and exciting holyday. Here I focus on the Acts 2 service, what happened, what was preached by Peter, and more. We also discuss the speaking in tongues that happened in Acts 2 compared to what we read happening later in the church, and the differences between Acts 2 and the other times. Why TWO leavened loaves were raised up on Pentecost and what that means. The Wedding of the Lamb to the firstfruits surely has to be at the Feast picturing firstfruits – Pentecost! And more.
Sat, May 15, 2021
Duration: 55 mins 17 secs
Dual sermons focusing on a most exciting holyday – Pentecost. Hoping this sermon helps revive the fire of commitment and passion for God in us. We’re called to be holy; being home to God’s very presence. God’s seed, his divine nature, his power, his presence –and his transformation of us to His image and more, on this 1st of a dual sermon on Pentecost weekend, May 2021. Praise to our Father and Savior.
Fri, May 07, 2021
Duration: 56 mins 44 secs
Christ is your Savior, but do we live like He is also our Master and Lord of our life? Who owns our life? Who decides what you will go through? Whose will do we seek each day? Learn how Yeshua is your Lord, ruler, king, boss, and master – and how there must be plenty of evidence that is the case in our lives.
Fri, Apr 30, 2021
Duration: 56 mins 8 secs
Nobody, no team, no army and no nation ever likes to surrender. Surrender means you lost. You’ve given up. When it comes to war, the loser is usually told they must unconditionally surrender. NO conditions. Many, many times in history, the losing army or nation paid heavily – as they became slaves to the victors or often lost everything they ever had.
Thu, Mar 25, 2021
Duration: 33 mins 4 secs
Psalm 22 is one of the profound Messianic prophecies, fulfilled by Yeshua (Jesus) in so many details, especially while he was being crucified.
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