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Tue, May 12, 2020
Duration: 57 mins 53 secs
Are you holy? Do you even want to be holy? I feel many of God’s children need to recommit to a life of holiness, for without it we won’t see God (Heb. 12:14). Who is holy? What groups are called holy? HOW do we become holy? How do we lose holiness? What’s it like to be holy? This is a vital topic.
Thu, Apr 23, 2020
Duration: 51 mins 44 secs
We usually just say “God” or “Christ” or “Jesus” when speaking about the Creator or Savior. This sermon explains the importance of having a closer identification with our God and Savior. We of His people should be speaking of our Father and our God as “OUR” God and “OUR” – or MY- Father, my God, my Savior. The prophets and apostles did. Yeshua did. Making this one change in the way you speak of Him will affect your relationship more than you might realize.
Tue, Apr 07, 2020
Duration: 56 mins 11 secs
We’re in unusual times. Most of you around the world may be keeping Passover entirely by yourself or with just 1-4 others. There’s the “plague” Coronavirus going around in 2020. But this could be a watershed Passover, memorable and perhaps life-changing for many. Have a special Passover!
Sat, Apr 04, 2020
Duration: 57 mins 43 secs
With China Coronavirus going around and thousands dying, does GOD have any opinions or laws about quarantine, washing, sanitation, animal-to-human virus spreads and ways to avoid epidemics? Yes, He surely does. Learn what they are in this sermon. If everyone would practice these laws, we’d all be a lot healthier.
Sat, Mar 28, 2020
Some of you may pray for your country and the world on a regular basis. But for many believers, they often limit their prayers to be about people they know, or other believers of their fellowship and church. SHOULD you pray for your country, especially in times of high distress? Did the prophets? Did Jesus (Yeshua)? What happens if we don’t? What could happen if we DO? Is it right – or wrong—to pray for your country?
Tue, Mar 17, 2020
The Passover is almost here. Will you be ready? Are you getting prepared? This message focuses on what we’re told to be doing before Passover. Don’t let it be just another service, ritual or ceremony. We are to examine ourselves and then take the Passover. What does that mean? Are you putting out all spiritual leaven out of your life? How personal is the Passover to you? What happens if you decide not to take the Passover? All this and much more in this message.
Sun, Mar 01, 2020
Duration: 1 hr 2 mins 6 secs
Part 3. We’re not of Satan’s kingdom but of the Kingdom of Heaven and God’s values. Let’s stand up for God’s values and fight for our marriages and relationships. We’re supposed to be picturing the marriage of Christ himself to his Bride. What God says about happy marriages, bringing joy to the wife, what he says to husbands and wives. But will we heed him and do what God says?
Fri, Feb 14, 2020
Duration: 52 mins 41 secs
God says marriage between man and wife is a direct depiction of Christ and his church (Eph 5:32), so few topics are more important. God is NOT sexist, though the world may think he is. Today we focus on how Jesus Christ treated women while he was on the earth 2000 years ago.
Fri, Jan 31, 2020
I think, if truth be known, many people – men and women alike, in their heart of hearts conclude the Bible can be sexist as it seems to definitely favor men. It minimizes women, they’d say, and puts women in a secondary role – so therefore it has to be sexist. And if anyone thinks that, in the end you’re also therefore saying – since the Bible is God’s word – that GOD also favors men and is sexist. Let’s look into that today.
Sat, Jan 11, 2020
Duration: 49 mins 46 secs
As we “come out of Babylon” (Rev 18:4), we want to be sure our hearts are tender and sensitive to the things of God, and not desensitized, calloused, jaded or past feeling. Why does God spare some people in Ezekiel 9? Will you be among the ones spared? HOW are many becoming jaded and lukewarm like the Laodiceans? This teaching is a wakeup call to be responsive and caring about conditions around us.
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