
Here is Part 2 as we continue the question of WHO exactly is YHVH (“the LORD”)? We do a quick review showing YHVH is clearly God the Father – but then begin to show without doubt that YHVH HAS to also refer to the One who came as Yeshua. Who was this great Yeshua? Can we prove he pre-existed his birth through Mary? Was he “God” while in the flesh? Was he also YHVH? Was he equal to YHVH the Father? By the time we’re done you will have a much greater AWE for our Father AND for Yeshua the Son of God than you’ve probably had before. Print out the notes AND hear the audio. Take your time to really study all the scriptures given. God bless you in your quest to learn more about the Godhead.
Duration:1 hr 1 mins 9 secs
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